Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 Of course I gave her an ‘ A ’ .
2 One , it was true , still sported a bruise which gave her a rather raffish air , but it was already fading .
3 For , if he decides that the wooden hut is a building , he is in effect adding an interpretation clause to the statute which gives ‘ building ’ an extended application ; whereas if he decides that the hut is not a building , he adds a clause to the statute which gives it a narrower meaning .
4 In today 's programme he gives us an exclusive interview , the first since his heart attack four months ago .
5 cylinders of butter wrapped in butter-muslin which gives them a ‘ cloudy ’ appearance .
6 With great trepidation and much backsliding the tsar eventually granted the serfs a sort of freedom , but if their interests had been dear to his heart he could have committed himself earlier and pressed harder for a settlement which gave them an economically viable future .
7 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
8 The second feature of George Stephen 's narrative which gave it a markedly ideological cast was its distancing of the movement from the kind of radicalism and militant nonconformity of the 1830s and 1840s many of his readers associated with antislavery .
9 It is currently 35 degrees Fahrenheit out and the wind is blowing up the canyon at 87 mph hour which gives us a wind chill factor of — just a moment while I look at the chart — says ‘ Should not be skiing ’ which is good because we are n't .
10 Alec Stewart 's charge has a stiffer task here , but is getting 6lbs from the favourite which gives her a sporting chance of stopping Daru 's unbeaten run of four victories .
11 Moreover attempts to relate language classes to other strands systematically have not always been popular , many students preferring a language course which gives them an insight into cultural trends , with texts drawn from recent magazines , broadcasts , etc .
12 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
13 It was widespread among craft unions like the wool combers who were said to have become " one society throughout the kingdom … if any of their club is out of work they give them a ticket and money to seek for work at the next town where a box club is " .
14 In return they give you a lot of care and sex . ’
15 Well , I know in the interview you did with Patsy Kensit she gave herself a 4 so I 'll have to go for 2 .
16 So as an aircraft came out of the engineering wing I gave it a test .
17 We ca n't put all the bells and whistles , and all the , the checks and all the consultations and design reviews onto a job which gives us a fee income of er two thousand pounds .
18 Since his win in 1987 , Swindon has grown , changing the complexion of a town which gave him a majority ofjust 5,000 .
19 Stan started to sell his fossil finds to the museum and with the money he earned he was able to buy tools and a microscope which gave him a further insight into the subject .
20 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
21 And then , somewhere in the house , she heard a sound which gave her a dry , tingling sensation in the mouth like a small , electric shock .
22 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
23 Though engrossed in picking his teeth with a match he gave me a long appraising stare before addressing me in rich cockney .
24 ‘ With his left hand he snatched the gun from the Pole 's hands , and with his right he gave him a violent blow to the ear . ’
25 Early on , he was anxious to combine the view that our beliefs about the social world are determined by the structured whole with the claim that historical materialism has achieved the status of a science , a body of knowledge which gives us a true account of the world .
26 ‘ From tomorrow , Sarah , I should like you to wear your hair in the style in which it was dressed when you attended the service at the Foundling Hospital , ’ he said , forcing the smile which gave him a jovial reputation .
27 It is not open to Mr Tillson subsequently to say that he had no need of a tenancy of the occupied land because he already had a possessory title which gave him a freehold interest in that land …
28 Choose a spot on the water which gives you a complete view of the whole area of the lake .
29 So she found a place in the old tree which gave her a familiar view of the land .
30 That heart is Welsh , and it is his Welshness which gave him an inner security that enabled him to come this far .
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