Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] would have a " in BNC.

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1 I like to feel that if it came to a stand-up fight I would have a good chance of victory and escape .
2 In the winter I 'd have a vest underneath and a green army jumper over the shirt , but not in the summer .
3 And while her eyes went wide at the importance of that statement to the literary world , ‘ It was with no small degree of relief , ’ he continued , ‘ that I personally took my work to my publishers in Prague and , that done , resolved that apart from day-to-day correspondence I would have a whole month off — perhaps longer — and free my mind of anything connected with work .
4 When we was about fourteen in the fourth year at school , there was this quite chubby bloke he 'd have a towel just there while you shower .
5 ‘ If this property boom suddenly collapses , or if the government decides to jack up the bank rate to curb consumer spending , then you might find your loans withdrawn , in which case you 'd have a serious cash-flow problem on your hands . ’
6 Earlier this year the mother of three , who counts Warren Beatty and George Hamilton among her former beaus , was quoted as saying : ‘ If someone gave me the cash I 'd have a facelift this minute . ’
7 ‘ If I was a toff I 'd have a watch , ’ said Sadie glancing at a wrist that needed no additions .
8 So if you just kept your treble clef you 'd have a lot of lines possibly that you were n't using at all .
9 Suppose Mrs. McLoughlin had been at the scene of the accident ; according to conventionalism she would have a legal right to recover in virtue of past decisions .
10 Sarah was determined that before she left this room she would have an appointment to save her son 's eternal soul !
11 If the eagle could only reach there in safety he would have a chance of following almost continuous high ground to Scotland …
12 ‘ But for the hurricane we would have a third quarter profit of almost £22m and a return to profits in the nine months , ’ says Robertson .
13 I find it difficult to imagine a form of development which would have a much more significant impact than that of a new settlement .
14 But every day we would have a pudding , rice or suet , and always different .
15 Often he would shave it off , but the next day he would have a beard just the same .
16 One , however , was the decision to establish a European Movement which would have a National Council in each country , to carry on the debate and pressure governments .
17 At this rate she would have an accident , and she 'd only have her own stubbornness to blame for it .
18 ‘ No , I told your father we 'd have a cup of coffee in Mario 's .
19 I just thought I 'd have a word with him .
20 Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book .
21 Precisely what this means is not clear because presumably even in a socialist state it would have a necessary function in maintaining law and order .
22 Now in order to make a prediction of what say what 's going to happen this year I would have to know the state of the system of the ocean and the atmosphere on January first and in order to do that in an ideal world I would have a tremendous amount of data about the ocean and about the atmosphere and be able to put it into this model but this data , by and large , does n't exist .
23 Successful students would receive a diploma which would have a national ( international ? ) standing .
24 Obviously , in an ideal world you 'd have a different spanner for every nut , but for the time being a couple of adjustable spanners will come in very handy ( you need two because often you will have to grip a nut as well as a bolt ) .
25 We were only going to be in 24 hours so we would n't bother having a meal we 'd have a slap up on the way out , ’ said Michael .
26 In our own Ulster Nation we would have a free hand in bringing to justice and finally ridding the country of these butchers .
27 On the other hand he would have a much enlarged Aquitaine , to be held in sovereignty , the ‘ perpetual liberty ’ which he had instructed the Black Prince to demand of his royal prisoner in 1357 , and which would remove at a stroke the threat of confiscation .
28 I saw the formation of the Black Workers ' Group and the concessions that we had won as a lever or a rolling stone which would have a knock-on effect .
29 That way you would have a little bit of each , and you would get the variety of shape and landscape you want . "
30 Examples from the survey included a teacher who would take underwear catalogues into the class and say things like , ‘ You 'd look nice in this one , Sarah ’ or ‘ This would suit a big girl like you , Emma ’ ; a gym master who would have a quick feel while helping girls over the vaulting horse , and several who were said to ‘ rub up ’ against girls and generally leer and lech .
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