Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] be part of " in BNC.

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1 Because of the workings of the housing market the local working population tends to congregate on the village council housing estate ( where one is available ) , where the closely knit patterns of neighbourly association which were part of the occupational community are retained .
2 A COOKERY demonstration which was part of Darlington & District Business Club 's monthly meeting turned out to be hot stuff .
3 It was a torture which was part of the school 's underground mythology , but something he assumed had died out at the same time as the belief that bullying was inevitable , harmless and good for the victim 's character .
4 This functionalist style views law not as a phenomenon which exists on an altogether different plane to government but rather as an instrument which is part of the apparatus of government .
5 Educational Business Partnership which is part of Greater Nottingham Tec , major funders so they are er taking over the erm design centre on for a week .
6 It did exist in those parts of ‘ modernizing ’ industry which were part of the engineering industry and involved skilled labour in manufacture , as distinct from the Fordist production practices of process plants .
7 Bob Anderson , an American climber and Everest veteran who was part of the successful Kangshung face team that put Steve Venables on the summit , was the second Western climber to speak to Krishchaty .
8 Lucie began to look nervously around for fear it was part of an ambush by footpads .
9 We quickly made the acquaintance of everyone in our lane which was part of a very scattered village , and after the children started school there were always some of their friends around the house .
10 In Frank Herbert 's novel Dune , there is a litany which is part of some of the character training .
11 A task description which is part of a design process should be fully — documented in terms of the origins of information , the assumptions made and the methods used .
12 The TAR region binds these cellular proteins as a single stranded stem which is part of a stem-loop structure which the RNA can form .
13 Artemesia Gentileschi is the subject of Dei Treanor 's new play Redefining the Whore which is part of the Soho Poly 's Workstage programme to be performed in April .
14 The Yek were practically immune to the extremes of heat and cold which were part of the climate of Tarvaras , and even they took shelter , if it was possible , from the midday intensity of the red giant around which the world and its two moons orbited .
15 In addition , the JIP criticized the Prime Minister , Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif , for failing to implement the process of Islamization which was part of the IDA election manifesto .
16 Can I ask a question please , who will determine what is the most important work which is part of our promise , list
17 A promontory on the south side of Sydney 's waterfront which was part of John 's 190 acre estate is still called Piper Point and streets in the district are named to his memory .
18 What I am discussing here is the kind of recall which is part of studying , linking names to faces , remembering items on a shopping list or where you put your spectacles .
19 Gerry , a member of the Belfast Telegraph staff for 25 years , and previously with the Irish News , underwent a quadruple heart by-pass operation in 1983 but within a week he had started writing his column again from his hospital bed — a column which was part of his life .
20 a rear fog lamp on a vehicle which is part of a combination of vehicles any part of which is not required by the Regulations to be fitted with a rear fog lamp ;
21 There will probably also be some classes in radio , television and film techniques and perhaps singing too , but by far the largest proportion of time will be allotted to the production exercise which is part of every term 's work .
22 It was not a conscious avoidance of the Debtors Prison but the more positive , good-humoured attitude which was part of Making Your Bed and Lying On It .
23 Protagon is the brand name of Arrow Sport which is part of the 45 company strong Pees Group , the Head Office of which is in Essen , Germany .
24 None the less , there is excitement in CSIRO that Jennings and colleagues in Sydney have made a discovery which is part of a wider trend to customise pharmaceuticals to attack specific diseases .
25 Two distinct groups of tracheae enter the wing a costo-radial group and a cubito-anal group , and while in some forms ( Blattidae , Plecoptera and Homoptera ) the two groups remain separate , it is more usual for them to be united by a fine transverse basal trachea which is part of the basic tracheal framework ( Whitten , 1962 ) .
26 Such a system allows you to leave and receive messages on a telephone which is part of a computerised network ( and which therefore can digitally store and then replay sounds ) .
27 It is not easy watching someone you love die , and Robert Burrows went through a phase of doubt and anxiety which is part of the process of letting go but can be particularly hard for Christians to accept .
28 I remember one bloke who was part of a working class West London crowd that had been coming into the shop since the early days .
29 The establishment of internal controls is the responsibility of management , not of internal audit , but as a service to management it is part of the latter 's role to review , appraise and report on the soundness and adequacy of these controls .
30 Erm there 's this erm Rudolf Steiner community which is part of the Camp Hill Village Trust .
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