Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] be think [that] " in BNC.

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1 Just in ease you were thinking that there was nevertheless a basic difference between you and that bacterium ( not to mention the cat ) , there are two types of important complicated molecules shared by all of our planet 's lifeforms : nucleic acids and proteins .
2 However , since inflation was well established in people 's expectations and was therefore reflected in their price-setting behaviour it was thought that a sudden reduction in monetary growth might cause demand to fall short of nominal output and cause a rise in unemployment .
3 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
4 ( Until the landing of Apollo 16 in a highland plains area it was thought that the lunar highland plains might be of lava origin , but the discovery of copious quantities of brecchia indicates that the fairly level surface and the lower crater density than the surrounding highlands is probably because of an abundant fall of ejecta . )
5 In the past it was thought that the chance of having a glider struck by lightning in cloud was negligible .
6 Once Labour controlled Parliament it was thought that it would no longer be necessary .
7 Social roles , therefore , are not just a matter of the way people can be observed to behave ( in the usual run of things ) but concern the way it is thought that people ought to behave .
8 At the beginning of this century it was thought that atoms were rather like the planets orbiting the sun , with electrons ( particles of negative electricity ) orbiting around a central nucleus , which carried positive electricity .
9 At one time it was thought that the brain reached its peak of potential performance when the individual was between the ages of 18 and 25 years and that , from that time onwards , it began to deteriorate .
10 For a long time it was thought that this Gospel was written by Matthew the Apostle .
11 At one time it was thought that this was because the dunnock was a recent cuckoo host , but Chaucer 's reference in The Parlement of Foules makes it clear that the dunnock was a popular cuckoo host as long ago as the 14th century .
12 At one time it was thought that high-fibre diets containing bran would be successful , but this has not proved to be the case .
13 But at the time it was thought that the record had yielded up its secrets in sufficient quantities to allow confident assertions to be made about the character of the evolutionary mechanism .
14 At one time it was thought that the same applied to an incorporated company , except that the company itself held its assets as trustee for its members .
15 At one time it was thought that not many photographs were taken of the Bishop 's Castle Railway , especially of No 1 , the ex GWR Tank Locomotive , which shares the honours with ‘ Carlisle ’ as being the last two engines to work the line .
16 At one time it was thought that the only inspiration for pre-Romanesque Europe was Ancient Rome and Byzantium .
17 At one time it was thought that all chemical reactions were exothermic .
18 At one time it was thought that the section only applied to express agreements and not to an implied agreement .
19 ‘ In the Empire it is thought that the history of mankind goes back about five million years . ’
20 It was , it has the face value of one million pounds in physical terms , there is , in fact it is thought that there was a ten million pounds as well based on the same , on the same er principle .
21 At one stage it was thought that the old lady would be written off , but luckily it was not to be and the following year I was able to take her from Buckie with a new lease of life .
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