Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 The driver everyone is tipping to be a future world champion …
2 I did actually get over to work for them in 1968–70 and 1971 , but this story I am referring to was in 1967 when I was just paying a visit and was given a bed for the night in the hostel .
3 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
4 I was sitting there waiting for the grub to show when Martin Amis came through the open door — you know , the writer I was chatting to in the pub the other night .
5 It was there all the time but I had turned my back upon it in a sense , so when I got converted , and of course I was listening to the Big Man 's comments on events and I recognized the validity of what he was saying .
6 This afternoon I am going to a memorial service for a woman who devoted her whole life to caring for others .
7 ‘ Perhaps falling in the water — ’ Ronni glared at him , bluffing , struggling to get back in control of her emotions ‘ — was n't the nasty experience I was referring to . ’
8 I 'm going , for work experience I 'm going to Saxted Ministry up there hopefully to see what it 's like looking after children you know , like a nursery and everything .
9 I 've found that my perception of acting and movie-making has changed drastically since I hung up my addiction , and I 've finally realized what damage I was doing to my career .
10 Thinking I was going to be pulled into some thicket and raped and murdered .
11 It completely slipped my mind I was going to be accused of theft !
12 As the role of er , business in the community is well at the top of personal agenda , in my job as I B M Personnel Director and Director of Corporate Affairs , the Corporate Affairs bit , er , is the piece I 'm going to be talking about .
13 ‘ Next term I 'm going to be teaching part of a course on the influence of gender on style , ’ Loretta added , again to little response .
14 Moustaine explained in a low , controlled voice that any violence which was going to be dished out would come from him and the Corporals .
15 Barney , of course , is currently struggling his way through the next set of fabulous lyrics for the upcoming New Order album which is staggering to completion .
16 In future she is going to be harder .
17 When I was very young — about 5 years old — I wanted to be a pilot because I had this girlfriend who was going to be a stewardess .
18 It is the future you are walking to .
19 They must have been filled in at the bank either by Mr Hatton himself or else by the cashier who was attending to him . ’
20 Earthtrust removed the dead bodies and organised regular supplies of fish for the surviving dolphins in Shakang Harbour who were starving to death .
21 He asked after Fred 's new play and she ran on with unconvincing enthusiasm about a young actress who was going to be in it .
22 Cheques were presented by Judy Stewart and Richard Calderwood to Wallace Gregg , who is travelling to New Zealand later this year on a YFC exchange programme , and to Kenneth Rock who is going to Sweden .
23 Because if you 're speaking from a script you 're going to be speaking like this .
24 Must be this wedding you 're going to tomorrow .
25 What she did say was , ‘ In future there 's going to be a new rule : you 're going to have your bath before your daddy comes home . ’
26 We live in a technological age , and there are going to be major changes without a doubt , we 've all seen them over the past few decades , and into the future there are going to be many major changes .
27 There 's fear hanging over everybody with the local government review there 's going to be mass redundancies .
28 In fact radio is alive , kicking and expanding , and there are thousands of hours of radio going out , locally particularly , and every indication there are going to be more and more community radio stations in the future , and this is hungry time for material , so lots of opportunities in that particular way , at this stage .
29 I think the long term results of this are entirely good , but in the short term there 's going to be major instability , making life possibly quite nasty for everyone .
30 If only those people realised the harm they are doing to their health by not allowing themselves to show what they really feel — sometimes not even admitting those feelings to themselves — perhaps they would unbend a little .
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