Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] be [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
2 This discussion has actually sort of change my perspective on it erm and so it 's it 's not that there 's an element of doubt in my mind I 'm just I if I 'm gon na go into something it 's got to be a hundred percent .
3 ‘ The first term I was there I remember doing a large choral concert , an opera with the junior school and a carol service . ’
4 Jesus praised the widow 's small offering which was all she had .
5 Thing about this programme it is so it is so crucial to everything that goes on at Radio York while it is happening , they eat in the other room that 's how much er interest there is they eat in the other room .
6 Well that weight , that weight it 's just it felt comfortable to wear .
7 Oh it 's my fault he 's like he is .
8 Given that the Secretary of State 's own appointed governor , the former chief inspector , Eric Bolton , said that the situation at the school is ’ unsatisfactory ’ and that the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers said that pupils and staff at Stratford school are ’ disturbed ’ , does the Minister recognise that the Secretary of State 's statement last week that Stratford school was ’ operating satisfactorily ’ had no basis in fact and could come only from a Secretary of State who sought to evade , rather than take , the responsibility which was plainly his ?
9 Pennethorne regarded Hunt 's appointment as another move to deprive him of work which was rightfully his .
10 I knew that only two riders together would n't be able to stay clear to the finish , but when the break went on the circuit there was only me and my teammate Brian Smith chasing . ’
11 And it 's not big brother certainly not a big brother attitude it 's just they 're there to help you .
12 With me Nana it 's like I think , I do n't think it 'd live without her .
13 ‘ They thought I would n't be quite so embarrassed if my bra was whipped off by some poor old geezer who was past it .
14 but you 'd want to be able to know that you can I do n't know , I mean , I , I think , with , with the place I am now I just do n't know what to make of it really
15 She was not , however , the common harpy for which the landlady had taken her ! she reflected angrily , stepping hastily into the garret room which was all she had been able to afford .
16 We 've lived such different lives , Shelley , but the moment we were together it did n't matter at all .
17 Er one of my worst experiences actually was going to school and found that when we walk when I went into the classroom there was only me and two other children .
18 Those Ercoles that we got , those wing they 're too they 're too low for me .
19 But at the moment he 's well he 's not come back to us with any answer from our offer at all so we 're we 're presuming that means no so we thought we 'd better start looking .
20 At that moment it was all she was .
21 Not that I 'm a great , good or great singer it 's just I seem to have a strong voice .
22 You know , in my opinion it 's like I 've lost one of my own family .
23 no cos it can , apparently it can get like that , sort of all yelling and shouting and and the first day I was there I was s sitting there sitting and stuffing envelopes
24 Jackson Pollock was driven by a despair which was partly his and partly that of the culture which nourished him , to refuse this act of faith : to insist , with all his brilliance as a painter , that there was nothing behind , that there was only that which was done to the canvas on the side facing us .
25 I got back from Colchester the day we were so she said , looked at it , is a ten pounds or a hundred pounds .
26 If you just tell me which directory it is and what file name it is then we put it all together and erm get at it .
27 So with the maths it 's like it 's the difference between four times O H or just sort of O plus four H four O plus H.
28 The equipment needs to be checked for any signs of wear and tear well in advance , since if anything breaks in a race it is ultimately you who are to blame for not foreseeing it .
29 Of course there 's also you can use one of the agencies like Community Service Volunteers
30 The first week I was there I helped set out all the toys and then helped the children with the toys .
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