Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [adv] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 CASE STUDY 5.1 — MRS Y. For example , Mrs Y. was a nervous anxious woman , whose husband had a cerebral haemorrhage , resulting in a stroke which particularly affected his arm and his speech .
2 At best it was a snobbery which wholly overlooked his timing , eye and exactitude of judgment and imagery .
3 What matters is the record of action which actually followed his visit to Klagenfurt .
4 Baron von Munchausen was an eighteenth-century Hanoverian soldier who greatly exaggerated his prowess in war — and his battle-scars .
5 At the other end a beardless Zeus in near-profile brandishes a thunderbolt against a kneeling figure who again turns his bearded face towards us , and in the angle beyond must have lain another corpse .
6 ‘ It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery , ’ was the reaction from Patrick Hastings , a City employee who clearly has his mind on women .
7 After a few years in atomic energy research he then discovered his vocation as teacher and enthusiast as a lecturer in chemistry at Birkenhead Technical College , where he also voluntarily taught about theatre , literature and music in a humanities section .
8 At this stage he had been in contention behind McCallen and Dunlop and even after his restart he still clawed his way back into the leading group .
9 A strand of hair which normally covers his bald patch has fallen away to rest in seaweedy strings on his padded shoulder , drying as we speak .
10 MacDonald decided , naturally but disastrously , that the obvious objective was to import into the living rooms of the wireless-owning population the soaring platform oratory which so moved his immediate audiences .
11 The woman was well built too , and the man had a very large stomach and was wearing a baggy shirt which just covered his belly .
12 It was an experience which heavily influenced his subsequent life .
13 But most noticeable of all — it was something apart from his physical appearance — he had a presence which immediately dominated his surroundings .
14 For someone who so obviously thrives on holding court , Shaun is neither ranting nor railing , the bragging and bullshit which characteristically pepper his interviews are conspicuous by their absence .
15 It was his ability to achieve that power and well-being which alone justified his despotism .
16 It would be inappropriate , however , to avoid the general subject of birth control , since it was this very question which ostensibly destroyed his ambition to lead the Conservative Party , and indeed , to be prime minister .
17 Charles ( like Alfred ) was a youngest son , the boy who unexpectedly surpassed his elder brothers .
19 Similarly another teacher felt that she should give firm scolding to an extremely active young boy who continually left his place during story time .
20 What , we may ask Harris , happens to the child who repeatedly fails his annual examination ?
21 The dawn of the philosophical Enlightenment had almost no effect upon the average European who still tilled his feudal strip and grazed his animals on the common land .
22 And , although Bratfisch in MacMillan 's Mayerling is a dancing role , he , too , is an onlooker who only shows his real self during his final entrance and last gesture as he throws his flower into Mary Vetsera 's grave .
23 The Supreme Court charged Cerda himself with ‘ lack of discipline ’ , suspended him on half pay for two months , and replaced him by another judge who dutifully closed his case .
24 Holding the crouched , double-axe-hand attack position , Angel One consciously slowed his breathing .
25 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
26 But last night he insisted he had no grudge against Taylor , even though in his column he openly discussed his innermost anguish at being one of only three England players not to kick a ball during finals .
27 In the States , says Leigh , they go wild for the lady he affectionately calls his Twiggs .
28 When Howell picks him up at dawn on a deserted Texan highway he immediately makes his intentions plain by scaring the boy witless .
29 In a classic piece of political misjudgment he even told his party conference in a speech that the poll tax would win the Tories the next election .
30 His sister Elizabeth remembered that as a child he half closed his eyes at meal times as he sat with his family .
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