Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] if it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 There was no danger : the crowd would have blown his car across if it could have .
2 The second is that even if the stockmarket does eventually rise by enough to persuade holders to exercise the warrants , issuers will have to plan and to some extent act as if it will not .
3 We should therefore be suspicious of any expository textbook which presents the criminal law as if it could be stated in a finite number of propositions from which all solutions could ultimately be derived without further choices at the point of application .
4 She raked her damp hair from her brow as if it would help , but it did n't ; she just could n't think .
5 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
6 The two old dears slowly but methodically sifted the rows of their debris , creaking and grunting with every movement as if it would be their last .
7 Emma did n't answer , but she put her hand up and pulled her scarf tightly around her throat as if it would stop the throbbing that was coming up from between her ribs and aiming to choke her .
8 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
9 Winter colds with much sneezing , coryza and headache as if it would burst
10 Winter colds with much sneezing , coryza and headache as if it would burst which is worse ( < ) motion , in a person who is chilly and wants to be warmly wrapped and has much aching in the bones .
11 He was regarding her questioningly , searching her face as if it could tell him something .
12 Put your bag in if it 'll go in as well while you 're at it .
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