Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] which is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We would also introduce measures to support training , provision for which is still being cut , as both the autumn statement and the Chief Secretary 's evidence to the Select Committee have revealed , while unemployment soars .
2 There you 'll see there is an eight year trend , the mean of which is just under five thousand .
3 It is significant that the unoccupied space in Hammerson 's portfolio amounts to only 8 p.c. , the bulk of which is overseas ; in the British portfolio , there is no significant level of empty properties , and most are well let to tenants of undoubted covenant .
4 However , the Lappish people are more concerned about the plight of their traditional fishing waters , the loss of which is forever , much longer than it takes contamination from Russia to decay .
5 lower than that for neighbouring Hambledon , part of which is also in my constituency , even though the two districts have similar characteristics ?
6 a rear fog lamp on a vehicle which is part of a combination of vehicles any part of which is not required by the Regulations to be fitted with a rear fog lamp ;
7 Only more recently was the site of Gunnersbury House used by the late Leopold de Rothschild in order to build the palatial house , part of which is now the Gunnersbury Museum .
8 Exporting invariably requires a great deal of documentation and specialised pricing , a large part of which is now being handled by the new computer system .
9 These measures could quite justifiably be regarded as something of a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut , since they are intended to deal with a problem the existence of which is almost totally unproven .
10 J T Scoulding in Hudsons Ward spoke of housing , ‘ the immediate necessity of which is only too apparent and has been continually kept in the front of the Labour Party 's demands on the West Ham Council ’ , education ‘ free from the elementary school to the university thus give our class equality of opportunity ’ , and municipal employment , ‘ the local authority being model employers and setting the standard for the rest of the community in respect to wages and conditions of employment ’ ( Election leaflets , 1919 ) .
11 The Devonian placoderms are an especially exciting group of fish ( see p. 4 ) with powerful , armour-plated heads and frequently fang-like teeth , the function of which is obviously predatory .
12 The position now agreed with Highways ( shown on the attached map ) is at the point where the pavement widens again south of the double level section of pavement , the inner ( higher ) level of which is not in Regional ownership .
13 There is excellent salmon , sea-trout and wild brown trout fishing , the majority of which is readily available to visiting anglers .
14 This leads to the identification of a Ratner myth , the removal of which is rather less supportive of him .
15 Among specific proposals are the introduction of internationally-traded " permits to pollute " , a plan for which is currently being prepared by the UN Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) , and the payment by industrialized countries of compensation to rainforest states in recognition of the global " carbon absorption services " performed by their trees .
16 Although such investment will inevitably benefit US companies , especially those in equipment manufacture , steel-making and construction , there will also be opportunities for foreign companies — Clinton has plans for a high-speed rail network , for example , equipment for which is currently not made by US companies — and one can imagine a fierce ‘ Buy America ’ debate over any major public works piece of legislation .
17 Not surprisingly a new , much needed vitality became apparent in the Club , the inheritance of which is still being enjoyed , and expertly pursued by Mike Herriot in particular and his social committee .
18 There is a battlemented parapet walk-way round which is very extensive ( like that at York in England ) .
19 It lays down that loyalty to the nation — and in established States , the State — ought to take priority over all other loyalties , including that to the family , and that the crime of disloyalty is treason , the punishment for which is frequently death ( that is , the nation has the power of life and death over its members ) .
20 Unlike conquering a major peak , it is an inescapable truth that crevasses are a negative factor in the mountains , the avoidance of which is totally lacking in glamour or dinner party kudos .
21 One of Yakovlev 's other early successes was the UT–1 ( AIR–14 ) , the unmarked prototype of which is now preserved in the museum .
22 A black box with silver-stamped title and logo , the lid of which is further decorated with a colour plate depicting yet another Hipgnosis-styled water illusion , once inside you are faced with an equally elaborate 112-page hardback book of pictures , lyrics and description to wade through .
23 The outcome may thus be seen as a situation in which there is considerable trade-union militancy with respect to wages , hours of work and related issues , but relatively little expression of class consciousness in the broader sense of any profound awareness or conviction of living in a society the nature of which is predominantly determined by class relations , and of being engaged in a continuing struggle to establish an alternative form of society .
24 The controversial duo , last seen performing with Extreme Noise Terror at the BPI awards in February , offered the following statement to NME : ‘ Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond left for Mexico City on May 5 to research a non-music project , the nature of which is yet to be disclosed . ’
25 The liberal-historians , on the other hand , whilst being generally more sceptical of the extent of permissiveness , nevertheless argue that 1960s Britain was characterised by a greater degree of freedom , the limited nature of which is nonetheless guaranteed by law .
26 All this changed in 1969 and 1970 with the emergence of the environmental movement which made the environment a political or ‘ vote-catching ’ issue , and which produced massive public pressure for fast , dramatic action , the nature of which is usually restricted to crisis situations ( Gunningham , 1974 ; Jones , 1973 ) .
27 He formulated explicit definitions of ‘ necessity ’ and ‘ contingency ’ that are somewhat like the modern definitions of ‘ analytic ’ and ‘ synthetic ’ : ' The necessary is a possibility , the contradiction of which is impossible , but the contingent is a possibility , the contradiction of which is also possible .
28 I erm think that that is quite useful research that has been undertaken for government , and it it has been carried through , er as I 'm sure everybody is aware , into the U K strategy for sustainable development , the consultation period of which is just concluding , erm I wo n't take you any more of the panel 's time to read that quote as it 's written in my in my statement .
29 The influx of recruits after the First World War made conditions at George Square inadequate and some of the staff returned to offices in the Sheriff Court Buildings , the site of which is now occupied by the Scottish National Library .
30 Sung originally by ruffians or sailors , the fado of the street is simple accompanied song spontaneously composed , the theme of which is commonly love of mother , town , the sea , etc .
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