Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] those [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Feedback from those attending was positive and it is intended that , after some refining , the workshops will be made available to all colleges .
2 The vast majority of those abused were Palestinians , although the numbers also included Iraqis , Sudanese and some stateless individuals [ see p. 38118 ] .
3 The vast majority of those prosecuted were found guilty and received sentences which included imprisonment or heavy fines .
4 The one indisputable fact these studies revealed is that the majority of those interviewed were not familiar with the extent of , or damage caused by , corporate crime and amongst the ‘ knowledgeable ’ minority , few were able to define it with any precision .
5 Only a small proportion of those entitled are doing so .
6 Turning to collective behaviour , opinion of those interviewed was divided on the effect of television on attendance in the Chamber .
7 But the crush of those fleeing was too much and the officers were swamped .
8 The English haul of booty and prisoners was enormous : the list of those captured was headed by the king himself , together with his son Philip , the Archbishop of Sens , the Comte of Tancarville , the Comte of Sancerre , the Vicomte of Narbonne , the Seneschal of Poitou and the Comte of Ventadour .
9 On March 7 the Iraqis released the first 1,000 of the Kuwaitis taken prisoner at the end of the Iraqi occupation , the total number of those abducted being given as some 7,000 .
10 A number of those involved were artisans from the Kentish towns , some of whom , particularly those connected with the cloth trade , may have had a special grievance , as a sharp decline in cloth exports after 1448 could well have caused local unemployment ( 66 , pp.96–7 ) .
11 The number of those arrested was put by the government at 1,900 ; by the PPP at 27,000 , and by the local press at about 15,000 .
12 As in the previous demonstrations , a large number of those attending were middle class , some of whom had been involved in the demonstrations of 1973 ( which had effectively deposed the existing military dictatorship — see pp. 26209-10 ) and had also witnessed the army massacre of students at Thammasat University three years later [ see pp. 28102-03 ] .
13 Dyadic contracts can be divided into colleague contracts referring to relationships between those of equal status and patron-client contracts , where the status of those involved is different .
14 By and large , these and other regional officers ' reports from the second wave of evacuation did not indicate that the outcry of September 1939 was justified ; typical of them was the verdict of one officer in October 1940 that ‘ the general standard of those evacuated is good and 80% of them should offer no difficulty at all in billeting ’ .
15 But equally , MDC in its first eight years was not a major generator of jobs — and the individual cost of those created was extremely high .
16 Chief among those released was Fang Lizhi , who was permitted to leave his shelter in the United States embassy in Beijing to travel to the United Kingdom .
17 Under the bizarre ruling belongings equal to the value of those stolen were taken and handed over to charity .
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