Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] it [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We need to examine the case for it in relation to each and every old person , whose circumstances vary so greatly .
2 Professor Hayek recognises that a free-enterprise economy requires the presence of strong moral standards of a particular kind for it to work : the two crucial ones being a belief in individual responsibility and a recognition that the merit and worth of individuals do not correspond to the material rewards of the market economy .
3 They decided , with a wild mixture of folly and idealism , that in the spring of 1795 they would set sail from England to establish an ideal community in America , and in the meantime would gather recruits for the scheme and earn money for it by writing .
4 He felt he was going to climax early and desperately tried to think of other things to take his mind off it in order to last until she was ready .
5 If one were starting a fast-food outlet aimed at selling sausages of various sorts and sizes prepared in different ways , it is unlikely that one would wish to open one 's new premises under the name of the proprietor ; ‘ Alan Pannett 's Sausage Cafe ’ , for instance , hardly has an impressive ring about it for marketing and promotion of this new product and business venture .
6 administration of it in house
7 If we can manage to get the tree-house finished by tomorrow , I 'll show you a way we can give him a piece of it for Father 's Day . ’
8 A Hindu could have eaten a pound of it with pleasure .
9 A lot of people thought of Maureen 's house as ‘ the bird hospital ’ , but in fact the garden was like a street of birds , with cages and aviaries stacked along either side of it like tower blocks .
10 nineteen eighty five and we can see the picture of it , or a drawing of it on page seventy , I have n't looked to see how many apartments there is
11 But when at last Henry spoke it was mildly and quietly enough , though his eyes , deep-set and haggard under their drawn brows , looked curiously opaque , like grey glass with no light behind it of lantern or sky , and his hands , slightly gnarled like the hands of an older man , gripped hard at the arms of his chair .
12 the paper and this report introduces the draft version of the highly transportation from it with consultation of organization down in the business , some whom are listed in section two
13 It would seem reasonable them , that we , as the largest users who invest least , treat the landscape with respect , and those who own it and make their living from it with fairness .
14 The Left became increasingly middle-class and this reinforced the already strong opposition to it among trade union officials .
15 If the pipe disappears into a hole in the ground , simply push the new pipe into the hole : seal any slight gap around it with mastic .
16 Now it appears to be on the ‘ at risk ’ register , its reputation battered and bruised , part of it under review before it has even reached its first birthday .
17 Mr Devall said if the nitrate removal plant house was built it would take water from the Stour , remove nitrates from part of it for drinking water in Essex and return the rest into the Stour .
18 The works , which have just started , will cost £191,000 and involve making the early-Victorian listed building wind and water tight and restoring part of it for use by the Brechin Railway Preservation Society .
19 Although it achieved classic status , it did not become generally known until the late Victorian period , when Frances Hodgson Burnett [ q.v. ] , who had read the book as a child , retold part of it from memory in St Nicholas in 1887 , and the proper text was ‘ rediscovered ’ .
20 Rachaela did not like the look of it by night .
21 Surprisingly , few art teachers were concerned that there was still an examination at the end of the course , or that the weighting of it in relation to the coursework was higher than in many previous CSEs .
22 The profits have been in public relations for a long time but too often those in charge have refused to invest some measure of it in capital equipment that would improve client services and the daily life of their workers .
23 While a shareware Windows spell checker is available , you can only get hold of it in English .
24 I knew Purvis would get to the bottom of it in time .
25 This was because it amounted to a transfer back to X of property in the car ( because Y 's cheque had not been met ) in return for X waiving any right to enforce payment from Y. At the time of the repossession , X was unaware of Y's sale to Z and thus by repossessing the car with Y 's acquiescence , X obtained ownership of it by virtue of section 25(1) of the 1893 Act ( i.e. section 24 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ) .
26 When a tape is full , make a duplicate of it for storage elsewhere .
27 might not be one of the question in it as tag questions could be
28 He spoke of the impermanence of the European environment and the influence on it of man 's activities .
29 With Puddephat 's disappearance in the news , it would not seem odd if she made a casual reference to it over dinner .
30 We find allusive reference to it from time to time in Leonard 's writings and songs — always with a frisson of awe .
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