Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We had to wait awhile ; the troops there were drilling in preparation for being shipped to some Godforsaken town in the Low Countries to wage one of Fat Henry 's futile , forgotten wars .
2 Superpower détente , the collapse of communism in eastern Europe and growing economic interdependence ( especially as a result of the process of introducing a single market within the European Communities — EC ) were " undermining Switzerland 's centuries-old case for being treated as a Sonderfall , an exception " .
3 Sotheby 's case for being discharged from this hugely expensive and embarrassing case rested on the argument that it was merely the custodian of the treasure , was unaware that its export licences from the Lebanon had been fraudulently acquired , and that it had no further interest in the treasure .
4 Another advantage is , and this is another case for being put in one of these hyperbaric oxygen chambers , if you 've got erm an anaerobic infection .
5 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
6 There is no excuse for being caught by a marked police vehicle — but there 's not much you can do about unmarked cars or cameras .
7 Arnold Rose from Brighton is raising money through being sponsored for a 24-hour pot-throwing marathon .
8 ‘ Are you sure you do n't remember telling a poor little girl named Sybil some stupid story about being turned into a frog ? ’
9 Appearance in court is feared by many policemen and women , who express a worry about being humiliated by an aggressive counsel , of becoming ‘ tongue-tied ’ , and generally of having ‘ a rough time ’ .
10 Souness faces another touchline ban after being banished from the Selhurst Park dug-out by referee Roger Dilkes for allegedly swearing at a linesman during Liverpool 's 1-1 draw with Crystal Palace on Tuesday night .
11 Now the England World Cup winner could start next season with a touchline ban after being charged with bringing the game into disrepute .
12 Chaca had even spray painted his tag ‘ Chaca ’ on the inside of the lift as he was leaving the criminal court building after being convicted of defacing public property .
13 Then he holed from 12 feet to keep his slender advantage after being bunkered at the sixteenth .
14 Tony Dorigo twice fired over the bar and Paul Gascoigne was fortunate to escape a lecture from Luxembourg referee Robert Philippi when he flicked out a foot after being fouled by Loris Zanotti .
15 In what had become known as " the couscous connection " , the President 's brother , Moncef Ben Ali , was sentenced in absentia by a French court on Nov. 17 to 10 years ' imprisonment for laundering drugs money after being caught at Orly airport in Paris with a suitcase full of banknotes .
16 MORE than 1,000 ex-servicewomen are to sue the Ministry of Defence after being sacked for getting pregnant .
17 He was released from Guy 's Hospital yesterday afternoon after being treated for severe lacerations to his wrists and arms .
18 And a man has died in hospital less than an hour after being rescued from his blazing bungalow .
19 THE Football Association are to bring to an end a lucrative film contract after being embarrassed by the notorious Vinnie Jones video , writes Rob Shepherd .
20 Doherty , from Strabane , had joined Derry on a one-month contract after being released at Old Trafford , the intention being to see how things worked out at the Brandywell .
21 Farrah spent the night at a hotel less than two miles from the bungalow after being reunited with her parents , Bernadette and Shane .
22 Peter was admitted as a day case for a gastroscopy after being seen in the Outpatients Department .
23 The University Labour Federation had been allowed to carry on active propaganda for Unity after being threatened with disaffiliation .
24 Scotland are aiming to return to the top division after being relegated in Manchester in 1989 .
25 England international Richard Knight has teamed up again with Berwick on their return to the Second Division after being linked with leading First Division teams .
26 If a user continues to operate the computer after being struck off the list he will be guilty of a criminal offence and liable to an unlimited fine .
27 One of the course participants , production administrator Alison Bonham , commented : ‘ Each crew member was allocated a specific role on board the yacht after being assessed through answers given in a questionnaire .
28 The government was also anxious to protect the interests of some 2,000 British citizens living in Iraq , including Parish and Ian Richter , a businessman serving a life sentence after being convicted in 1987 of corruption .
29 Last month , the first of two Tracking and Data Relay Satellites ( TDRS ) which are needed for the Spacelab mission , failed to reach geosynchronous orbit after being launched from the space shuttle Challenger .
30 A consultant neurosurgeon , John Miles , told them that Tim had shown no brain response after being taken off sedative drugs .
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