Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] get [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( There used to be an old sailor 's trick for getting rid of tapeworms , using a raw egg with a pinhole in one end .
2 My hon. Friend the Member for Leyton made a passionate case for getting rid of the 20 per cent .
3 Reading between the lines , the tribunal may have suspected that the employer was merely using the sentence as a convenient excuse for getting rid of a man whose record was not unblemished .
4 Mr Ilyumzhinov 's technique for getting rid of parliament was simple .
5 Test Dept are n't by their very nature , exciting — but people are still a bit scared to broach the naffness of their output for fear of getting shouted at by Swells .
6 But I had no intention of getting suckered by the rest of her crew .
7 She 'd had no intention of getting drawn into this tortuous emotional maze again .
8 The peril of getting caught in an information loop is made plain if we look at the following facts .
9 DEC 's new CEO , Robert Palmer , himself a product of the semiconductor business , blamed their hesitancy on getting burned by Sun Sparc and MIPS RISC chips .
10 That would have the advantage of getting rid of both car and wife at the same time .
11 His hope of getting rid of at least half of Beador 's worthless debt proved far too sanguine ; if they unloaded a quarter , they would count themselves fortunate .
12 Friedman and Rosenman ( 1974 ) suggest that it is not a question of getting rid of Type-A behaviour , rather that we should learn to manage it .
13 Likewise no scheme for seeking American assistance in getting rid of sterling balances was made a serious part of the loan negotiations , even though there are many indications of US suspicion of the sterling area and willingness to assist in its dismantlement [ Van Dormael , 1978 ] .
14 The fact is , I sort of got conned into this . ’
15 Yeah and and if and I also what I was going to say how she she kind of is able to control erm or bring out because she 's bring out both his sides but erm to her father wants to sort of get rid of him , she 's able to erm just erm act more charming and get them , you know , one line to prove them wrong .
16 So I thought well if I can sort of get think to myself a rough idea before I go Jonathan 's going to Geoff 's mums cos Geoff 's got ta work all day Saturday you see ?
17 After lunch all delegates were able to visit the Zoo where Rentokil have the job of getting rid of unwelcome insects and animals without harming the ones they want to keep !
18 ‘ I was n't aware that we were in the business of getting rid of inconvenient critics .
19 ‘ Without in any way undermining the importance of the character , he managed to be very , very funny , like in the business of getting rid of the beers that he did n't want .
20 What then , is the bloody point of getting rid of half of them ?
21 We 're just in the process of getting rid of the poll tax .
22 May I press my hon. Friend a little further on the question of the special car tax , given the Government 's excellent record in getting rid of idiosyncratic taxes , of which this is one ?
23 Imagine how it feels ( if you are the incumbent MP ) to know that , that very morning , thousands of people are devoting their whole attention to getting rid of you .
24 She said it was Humphreys ' responsibility as managing director to follow the correct procedure for getting rid of toxic waste .
25 Subtle mixing of tone points to an ironic interpretation of these phrases : for instance , the preciosity of bethought herself contrasts oddly with the colloquial bluntness of getting rid of in " When Mrs Moreen bethought herself of this pretext for getting rid of their companion " ( 7 ) ; and in the final clause of the passage , the colloquial " looking out for " foregrounds the specious gentility of " something really superior in the way of a resident tutor " .
26 So there 's no chance of getting rid of all these coaches and getting people to walk round the er the guided tours and stuff like that ?
27 And not since Newsweek 's 1986 cover story ‘ The Marriage Crunch ’ , which professed that single women over 40 had a better chance of getting killed by a terrorist than getting married , has a general-interest magazine article caused such discussion among women .
28 They would have had more chance of getting established in the late 1980s .
29 Experiments assessing the difference between the sleep achieved on successive nights in the laboratory have shown that there is indeed some evidence of difficulty in getting to sleep on the first night .
30 First , every king when he came of age had remarkably little difficulty in getting rid of the faction which had been dominant during the minority ; Albany Stewarts , Livingstones , Boyds , Douglases , the families who had enjoyed power in the minorities of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries , all lost it when the king began his personal rule .
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