Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] if she [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
2 She walked back to the mantelpiece again and stared at the card as if she could contact its writer by clairvoyance .
3 In chapter seven of The Form , leading his disciple on from the initial perspective of striving to order her inner life as if she should die tomorrow — a challenge which sets the adrenalin running and wonderfully sharpens awareness — he potently reminds her in terms of his own cultural coinage that the world is indeed " charged with the grandeur of God " by instructing her to see all her physical experience in terms of the sacrifice also offered at the Mass : By means of keeping in remembrance this little incantatory prayer at meals and indeed at all times not otherwise taken up with prayer or speech ( " and thynk it noght anely whils etes , bot bath before and after , ay bot when prayes or spekes " , 7.104.39 – 40 ) the disciple will maintain a constant perception of all aspects of sustaining life as a divine gift mysteriously available in time only through the processes of death and resurrection .
4 She stripped off her clothes and dropped them where they fell , then ran a bath and climbed into it , scouring her skin over and over with a loofah as if she could wash away the memory of his body on hers .
5 Far from being wrapped up in the Tour and excited by it , she looked all the time as if she would sooner be anywhere else .
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