Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] that it be " in BNC.

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1 The agreement is also seen as a landmark in that it is said to be the first time that Apple has licensed Macintosh technology under such an OEM agreement , terms of which were not disclosed .
2 The first published book using photographic illustrations was William Henry Fox Talbot 's The Pencil of Nature , which appeared in six parts , 1844–46 and is an important landmark in that it was the first book in the world illustrated without the aid of an artist in pen , pencil or paint .
3 Although South Dakota carried little electoral weight , either nationally or in terms of its proportion of delegates sent to the nominating convention , it had considerable significance for the Democratic contest in that it was adjacent to the native states of both Harkin and Kerrey , each of whom needed a good showing after their disappointing results in New Hampshire .
4 The regulations have one very unusual effect in that it is permissible to make a reproduction of a topography for the purpose of analyzing or evaluating that topography or the concepts , processes , systems or techniques embodied in it by section 226(1A) of the 1988 Act .
5 The proposals , in force from April 1991 , contained in this document are consistent with the ideology of the administration in that it is an attempt to apply market principles to the institution which is the cornerstone of the British welfare state .
6 Now suppose we have a supersaturated solution of some substance , like hypo in that it was eager to crystallize out of solution , and like carbon in that it was capable of crystallizing in either of two ways .
7 His theory connects with Mannheim 's ‘ particular ’ conception of ideology rather than his ‘ total ’ conception in that it is concerned with psychological processes .
8 A speed-table differs from a speed hump in that it is designed as a ramp up to a raised plateau with a descending ramp on the other side .
9 It has another practical benefit in that it is easy to keep clean and to wash .
10 The feedback model ( i.e. TRACE II ) is closer to the weak interaction type in that it is primarily data driven , rather than hypothesis driven , but it does allow some top-down filling in of gaps , and some correction of errors in the input data .
11 Maclean opens his account in Madrid against local player Alberto Codina a week today , while for Donaldson , who reached the semi-finals of the Danish Open last month , the Guernsey event at the end of next month marks another breakthrough in that it is the first time she has gone straight in to the main draw for a Grade A tournament .
12 Well it 's like medieval philosophy in that it 's not utilitarian .
13 Well , it 's like mediaeval philosophy in that it 's not utilitarian .
14 Although this programme can not do more than offer an introduction to the mastery of the skills needed by instructors , it is nevertheless of considerable importance in that it is a measured and significant attempt to provide the sort of training upon which the success of YOP and , even more important its successor , the Youth Training Scheme , will depend .
15 I if that is understood and that is accepted that would meet Mr 's point in that it is , it is in fact in order and , and is not interfering with another panel 's responsibilities .
16 The video is already a record breaker in that it was produced in only three weeks as opposed to the normal six to eight weeks .
17 The Christian view of time directed to the future , as presented by St Augustine , differed from the ideas of time current in Classical antiquity in that it was neither cyclic nor would it continue indefinitely without anything essentially new occurring .
18 Her article was significantly different from most oppositional criticism in that it was directly concerned with ‘ the kind of television criticism should demand ’ and as such implied an active link between socialists , critics and programme makers .
19 It is not a psychological concept in that it is a product partly or the process of consciousness and partly of the structure of the mode or production ( the division of labour , and the domination of one class by another ) .
20 The Northern Dairy Shorthorn is officially a rare breed in Britain , though it is sometimes included under the Dairy Shorthorn umbrella in that it is registered in the Coates herdbook , albeit with a separate code to identify the bloodlines .
21 However , in its interior Mercury differs from the Moon in that it is far richer in iron , and even has a weak dipole field which is almost certainly of interior origin .
22 Opiates , particularly diamorphine , are better at relieving anxiety , but diamorphine has an additional advantage in that it is a vasodilator , it unloads the left ventricle and may help heart failure .
23 It is true that the Spanish-American novel has entered the mainstream of world literature in that it is informed by the major intellectual currents of our age , in that its exponents share the artistic and philosophical preoccupations of modern writers in general , and in that it has consciously sought and attained a universality that earlier Spanish-American fiction sometimes lacked .
24 Cairo , a curious sentence in that it is wholly out of context .
25 Now suppose we have a supersaturated solution of some substance , like hypo in that it was eager to crystallize out of solution , and like carbon in that it was capable of crystallizing in either of two ways .
26 Power is legitimate authority in that it is generally accepted as just and proper by members of society as a whole .
27 The Roman theatre , when built on a new site , differed from the Greek pattern in that it was generally constructed above ground and not hollowed out from the hillside .
28 Nevertheless , cattle are enemies of grass in that it is still true that an individual grass plant would be better off not being eaten by a cow than being eaten , and any mutant plant that possessed , say , a chemical weapon that protected it against cows , would set more seed ( containing genetic instructions for making the chemical weapon ) than rival members of its own species that were more palatable to cows .
29 There is some common ground in that it is assumed to imply certain substantive and procedural rights , government must be subject to the law , and the judiciary must be independent .
30 What seems objectionable in Matza 's argument is that he clearly believes there is a ‘ hierarchy ’ of stances in relation to deviance , not just alternatives : the appreciative stance is portrayed as superior to either the romantic or the correctionalist in that it is inherently more likely to get at the truth .
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