Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 To this end the TUC calls for the negotiation of technology agreements ( TAs ) which would establish new procedures for discussing technological change and a comprehensive framework for bargaining over the effects of change on working conditions .
2 If a house is bought this way all the surveys and investigations should be carried out first , and you must be ready to sign and exchange contracts on the day of the auction after paying over the 10 per cent deposit .
3 He started by saying that after Montaine 's death Jean-Claude had survived in the dark — a dirty , torn piece of sacking over the window and newspaper plugging the broken panes , obscuring the merest ray of sunlight .
4 Texas Instruments , Sun 's co-developer and fabricator , said that the ‘ business decision ’ to start ramping-up production of the smaller chips at the expense of fussing over the 50MHz part was made two months ago , because Sun could n't wait any longer .
5 Mr Adamec cited pressure from the opposition in bargaining over the shape of a new government as his reason for stepping down .
6 Season to taste with salt and pepper before serving over the veal .
7 GERMAN inflation , now at 4.7 p.c. in the western part of the country , is expected to peak at below 5 p.c. before easing over the course of the year , Bundesbank council member Otmar Issing said yesterday .
8 1 Can you draw this figure without going over the same line twice ?
9 ‘ We think he broke his neck by falling over the edge of these rocks , ’ I said .
10 Some do , er the rise and fall type of fitting over a dining table where when you 're er , er having dinner you 'd have erm it down to about what not more than twelve inches above the table er so that it lit the table but did n't shine in your eyes , erm some people leave it like that all the time , other people having had a meal lift er it up , erm I think the main thing about the , er adjustable fly and fall is that erm , it 's there for , as you want it , if you 're trying to find a meal you 've lost on the floor well then you pull it down to floor level really .
11 Remember , For Sale boards are subject to a maximum legal size , so make sure you do n't fall foul of the law by going over the top .
12 Furthermore , the prominent courtier Sir John Hussey 's sycophantic resolution , moved in the midst of haggling over the subsidy bill , burdened landed estates of £50 with an additional shilling in the pound , making a total of 15 per cent compared with the general 10 .
13 And that 's why they 're sort of clambering over the bridge , in order to get onto the shortcut .
14 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
15 Isabel stood pressed back against the wooden panels , trying to listen for the sound of breathing over the drumming of her heart .
16 The most that can be achieved by the summit is to keep the Community from toppling over the edge .
17 It 's like that wire-mesh barrier thing — the one he told me about — the one that stops boats at the last moment from going over the weir .
18 There was no point in glossing over the situation .
19 On the way the route passes through the town of North Walsham and follows a section of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal before cutting over the Stalham .
20 If this was not so we would forever be bumping into things ; it would be impossible to pass through a doorway without banging into the doorpost or to cross a room without tripping over the furniture .
21 THE Tories were slammed last night for presiding over the loss of more than one-third of Britain 's manufacturing jobs — 2.5 MILLION .
22 As for the militias , however zealous and heroic , they had no chance of triumphing over the Nationalist armies .
23 He saw that he had no chance of winning over the militants , and so abandoned the conventional view that a political settlement was essential .
24 Warburg , whose scholarly tradition was transferred to London in 1933 when the entire library was moved there , has provided a link between London and Hamburg which shows every sign of strengthening over the coming years .
25 The bridge itself is a straightforward design with the strings fixing through the back before passing over the bridge saddles .
26 Those that do may only display the differences for a matter of weeks or even days before the whole crop ripens , so there is an element of luck in flying over the right place at the right time .
27 The Mason climbed the spokes of the cart wheel , grunted with the exertion of climbing over the rim of the stage , and rose to his feet where the golden pavilion hid him from Gabriel 's view .
28 Fidelity believes it breaks new ground by getting over the problem that has stopped unit trusts from showing any real growth since the Great Crash five years ago namely that 90pc of unit trusts are in high risk equities , whereas 90pc of savings are in low risk investments such as banks or building societies .
29 One , Catherine Barton , absconded after supper by climbing over the wall and did not return until the next morning after 7 o'clock .
30 He or she will receive a flow of income over the year and will engage in a flow of spending over the same period .
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