Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would not make a case for Pears to be better than Manchester United 's Peter Schmeichel , but there is no-one more consistent .
2 See me with one of my tits cut off , ca n't you , just the excuse for Ted to be off after Betty Ash again . ’
3 Kate Bristow commented , ‘ It is a real privilege for ACET to be asked to work with such people as they look for ways to develop an effective strategy . ’
4 In fact it took a revolutionary medical technique for Ian to be able to play again , but only for the Palace Reserves , for the first team were , at that time at least , more than holding their own in Division One .
5 It was a normal practice in the period 1259–1340 for the higher offices in the administration of Aquitaine to be held by Englishmen , or at least non-Gascons .
6 It is of significance that one finds mention of Christ to be singularly absent from Schüssler Fiorenza 's work .
7 At least she had her uncle Somerset to watch over her on the journey , and the countess of Salisbury to be a mother to her until she was handed over at Cologne to Louis .
8 At the meeting , Luigi Zanda , a leading Italian campaigner for Venice and President of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova , made a plea , published here in place of the usual editorial ( see p.1 ) , for the future of Venice to be treated by the Italian government with a new sense of responsibility and morality free from the political factionism which stalemates so much of the country 's public life .
9 Alternatively , it may be able to muster enough support from SeaCo shareholders to halt the current disposal of assets by Mr Sherwood for its bid with Stena to be fully considered .
10 The company believes its investment in Weldon to be very worthwhile although the benefits can not be so precisely quantified .
11 A spokeswoman for RAF Marham said Mr Durrant was the only veteran from Essex to be invited and one of only handful from across Britain .
12 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to write and thank you for allowing the seat from Snowhill to be kept on your property after it had been removed from its base .
13 Descharreaux expects first half 1993 turnover in France to be ‘ terrible , due to the constricted investment climate ’ , adding , ‘ Do n't forget there have been eight consecutive quarters of decline in investment in France ’ .
14 Letters had to be sent in bulk to Smolensk to be sorted and distributed .
15 ‘ I wanted your last term at Pinehurst to be happy .
16 They tried to give us to our ancient enemies in 1912 , 1974 , 1985 and now we 've had the ‘ Brooke initiative ’ which was another attempt by Westminster to be rid of us .
17 They must be mad that they should expect such a delicate business as his preparation of Vologsky to be speeded up as though it was a crude operation on a factory bench .
18 But many of us saw it as an approach which emphasised the need to allow the faith of Christ to be incarnated within particular culture and Sir Paul , the former Archbishop of New Zealand took the same stand point as a Maori , in his own address and called delegates present to speak and act as people of hope and to respond sensitively to economic and environment progility and isolation , not only in the Pacific but wherever they are .
19 This meant that the guest lists had to be scrutinized with great care and it required considerable awareness on the part of Eugénie to be able to decide who would match with whom .
20 Nobody suggested that the Parliament at Westminster did not have the authority to pass such legislation , perhaps out of a feeling that Britain was paying enough for the defence of America to be entitled to impose a unified industrial policy , possibly more out of a feeling that it would be hard to enforce .
21 On this occasion the Duke of Bedford , who had paid for a statue of Bunyan to be erected in the town , recollected how Pilgrim 's Progress had been the first book given to him as a child .
22 Bede 's statement that Chad was sent by Oswiu to the archbishop of Canterbury to be consecrated , only to find that Deusdedit had died ( HE 111 , 28 ) , is unlikely to be correct because Wilfrid had known that Deusdedit was dead when he was earlier seeking consecration as Ealhfrith 's bishop and the probability must be that Oswiu 's court would have known this too .
23 It was an ordeal for Beth to be used for this night after night , but she comforted herself with the knowledge that he truly loved her and was always both gentle and considerate .
24 It must have been reference for Jenny to be
25 THE first batch of cards supporting the campaign for Meirionnydd to be given unitary authority status has been sent to Welsh Secretary John Redwood .
26 The most influential philosopher to think about the problem of the ownership of empty land , John Locke , served as a secretary and adviser to yet another of the courtier-backed expansion schemes of Charles II 's reign ; he was agent to Lord Ashley , who later on as Lord Shaftesbury became a famous Whig leader but in 1663 was a well-placed courtier and one of a group who got a charter for a colony south of Virginia to be called Carolina .
27 For the Anointing of God to be on the Missionary , Acts 1 : 8 .
28 What do you understand the attitude of Jesus to be towards the outcast and sinner as highlighted in the Lucan parables ?
29 Neither Elizabeth nor James , he said , had allowed the Duchy of Lancaster to be absorbed into the Exchequer , because the abolition of its offices would have deprived them of valuable rewards for their servants .
30 Mr Patrick Corbally Stourton , who went out to work in Australia several years ago , and is now managing director of Originals Outback Limited , invited me to the opening of the first comprehensive exhibition of Aboriginal art from the Central Western Desert of Australia to be seen in Europe .
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