Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 Technically it can not , physically it can not , because we have such erm large programmes of development that you need the manpower , you need the muscle , and the majority of them have left now and that 'll be a new dilemma for Kuwait and it 's rebuilding operation to bring back people to help develop with it 's own Kuwaiti
2 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
3 AREF:A/439/09/0492 Greater cooperation between the countries of Western Europe , recent and prospective developments in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , and the changing relationships between the ‘ super-powers ’ in world affairs raise questions concerning the future of Europe and it 's role in the world in the twenty-first century .
4 It 's a seaside town on the west coast of Scotland and it 's getting all these American stars down there all the time . ’
5 It would , however , be a great mistake to dismiss the event as an act of folly without any serious consequences , for the proof of the existence of a serious candidate led to the definite rebirth of Bonapartism as a political force in France and it was this movement which was later to carry Louis-Napoleon to power .
6 At a total cost of over £25 million , KITEC is Johnson Matthey 's biggest single investment in Asia and it reflects our company 's commitment of major human and financial resources to the development of its business in Asia .
7 If anything should happen to him , there could well be a collapse in Indo-China and it was for this reason that Collins recommended that the US should continue to extend military and economic aid ‘ in order to check the spread of communism in South-East Asia ’ — but only as long as de Lattre was in Indo-China .
8 ‘ We had looked at the agent in March and it seemed OK , ’ spokesman John Garner says .
9 It developed into the small , but well-endowed parish of St. John the Baptist in Bedford and it escaped the destruction and confiscation of property that was the lot of monasteries and most hospitals during the Reformation .
10 NATFHE members had threatened strike action in April but it was avoided when management agreed to start negotiations about the contracts .
11 Dawn on Monday morning shone only a bleak grey light over Moscow and it looked as though the weathermen would be right in their prediction of rain by midday .
12 The initial results of an independent study on Oxford and it 's traffic problems have been put on show in the City today .
13 Recent health scares over cling-film have had a knock-on effect on Tupperware and it has enjoyed a boom in sales .
14 John Pilger may point us back to the lessons of Vietnam or even the Falklands , but we also live day-to-day with distorted coverage of Ireland and it does n't seem to bother us too much .
15 Of these , only the first was part of PNP and it proved to be the most problematic , partly for administrative reasons and partly because of the delicacy of the issues of culture and status which it raised .
16 Yes I I do n't really want to respond to that other than to say that Bond End is d it 's still an extremely important consideration , it 's in the conservation area , it 's an important part of Knaresborough and it was obviously something that members had in mind when they they made their decision on on the relative merits .
17 One senior courtier said later : ‘ There is no doubt that this is an issue which concerns the Prince of Wales but it is beginning to look a little cynical .
18 All we had to do was to pay the expense of the helicopter that brought him in because at that time he was appearing at the Prince of Wales and it was a matter of him fitting his time in with his performances , you see ?
19 Early on , Solowka and Gregory did their own bit of AWOLing but it was usually because of a Littlewoods Cup replay , not to escort a bevy of simpering temptresses in nylon flairs .
20 In the nine years since your majesty ascended the throne of Annam in 1916 , your kingdom has continued to enjoy the unselfish and benevolent protection of France and it is our sincere hope that this mutually rewarding state of affairs will continue far into the distant future to the benefit of both our peoples .
21 Both items were reported 150 years after Augustus ' death by the traveller Pausanias ( 8 , 46 , 5 ) , who says that the ‘ keepers of the wonders ’ note that one of the boar 's tusks is broken while the surviving tusk is kept in the Emperor 's Gardens in a Sanctuary of Bacchus and it measures just three feet long .
22 The report represents a step forward in thinking about public sector higher education within at least part of the University of Wales and it is to be hoped that its influence spreads widely throughout that body .
23 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
24 I took on the management for Scullion and it was not an enjoyable experience .
25 The witch-hunt then moved on to try to unseat the editor of Borba and it is clearly the intention of the Serbian nationalists , who have seized control of the Serbian Party , that they should control all newspapers and journals published in Belgrade , even if they are federal organs such as Borba .
26 We were pleased that we had a representative from the south of Montgomeryshire but it was a pity that no one from the Dyfi Valley attended .
27 On enquiring of the cause , Susa-no-wo was told they had been obliged to offer their eight daughters , one by one , to the eight-headed dragon of Koshi and it was now the turn of the last daughter .
28 ‘ The house lies beyond the village near Buxfield but it is deserted and closed up .
29 Something to do with som something to do with a cotton mill in Paisley and it was s s s W I c just can nae recall what it was but it was a great big trial , there was a And er this this lawyer he had done quite well out of this case but it was a quite That must have been in er about nineteen twenty nineteen thirties about nineteen thirty two .
30 Carew Mill is the only restores tidal mill in Wales and it is hoped it will produce flour again in the future .
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