Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 There is without a shadow of doubt some very nasty gossip about me now sludging its filthy way through the intestines of the society I know and have come to despise .
2 Although he had a magnificent view from the top of the Mount Lofty range of the Murray River , winding its course across the flats through a belt of dense dwarf eucalypti , there is no mention of his ever having reached its banks , let alone the remote western bend 100 miles away .
3 No , listen , we 'll say it 's north , say north side of I sometimes losing direction in this country .
4 And everyone joins in this charade with talk of them now having time to do all the things they have always wanted to do .
5 ‘ I could go to see Lewis Watts , he was my dad 's apprentice for five years when I was a little sprout like you just learning the trade .
6 This is one of two ways to place your opponent at a disadvantage without him even knowing about it .
7 ‘ Other than this job , ’ she added challengingly , some perverse part of her almost wishing he would attempt to deprive her of it so that she would have something real , present and immediate to fight him for .
8 He wanted to know what had happened , wanted to understand the dynamics of the situation and to store it away as part of his constantly changing , growing understanding of himself and of those around him .
9 The best hope of it actually achieving power would be a prolonged demonstration by the Conservative Government that it can not run the economy competently .
10 I 'm not leaving you here all alone , so it 's a case of you either coming with me , or of me staying here for the rest of the night and neither of us getting any rest .
11 By using the back heel placed on the centreline , pull the back of the board towards you thereby making it infinitely easier for the rig to pull you over the board .
12 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
13 Any question of him ever having had any dealings with our British friends ? ’
14 For her own part , there was never any question of her not studying science and she is the best sort of role model because of her enthusiasm : ‘ Just finding out what makes things work .
15 None of his friends could possibly have pointed out that there was no question of his ever passing the physical .
16 There was no question of his ever returning to the office , or of carrying on the firm .
17 And when your time was out there was no question of you not getting a journeyman 's wages you were you were paid that alright .
18 The reliance of elderly people on walking as a mode of transport increases their exposure to risk whilst their failing faculties raise the likelihood of them not seeing the striking vehicle .
19 Maybe the fact that the England post would become available sometime this season was an influence in him not going into mgt this year ?
20 I 've realized that this temperamental behaviour is the child in me not getting what I want .
21 The woman led him away , leaving Charlotte to wander into a long pine-panelled room with a huge stone fireplace at the far end and a picture window to her right commanding a view of the terraced front garden and the curving drive up which she had walked .
22 ‘ Well , you 've proved your point about me not knowing enough to be a manager .
23 This partly explains why they 've been struggling on for around six years now , but is no excuse in the current climate for them not gaining some long overdue recognition .
24 ‘ … in Iraq I was manipulated heavily … to the point of them actually grabbing my hand , moving the way I was pointing the camera …
25 I 've never been so controlled , to the point of them actually grabbing my hand , moving the way I was pointing the camera .
26 Not that there was any real danger of his ever mattering to her .
27 It 's made from walnut , matching the fingerboard and headstock veneer , and is glued and bolted to the top of the body so there should be no danger of it ever lifting .
28 Once more , there is no record of his actually completing a transaction .
29 From then on , as though that had conjured up a bleak picture of him never having a life with his love , he began to sound quite despairing .
30 Well look the first thing to occur and immediately comes to mind is that if I was going to be really evil I would I 'd just stick it away in a quite drawer or wait until the day , and I 'd turn up when she was breaking the the bottle , the empty bottle over over the the skip , we 'd do a picture of her actually littering up the countryside .
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