Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And then er we used to make a a big chest for her do you see .
2 Another opportunity for them to do it again .
3 Something unforeseen and urgent had happened , since Sean had obviously known of it yesterday afternoon , and there had been no opportunity for him to inform her .
4 a story for them decided I could n't do it .
5 We had gone to the Council Offices to obtain permission for him to take it with him .
6 And a loathing for him seized her .
7 ‘ All it tells us is he must 've had a foreign accent for them to give him a name like that .
8 Perhaps this surrender to the invading power of God 's Spirit , this willingness for him to take us and break us and use us , IS one of the prime lessons which the charismatic movement throughout the churches is teaching us at the present time .
9 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
10 ‘ They 're far too precious to our heritage for us to allow them to simply moulder away …
11 I made a tiny human skeleton with the bones of the dead fish and distributed a little ketchup about it to make it more realistic .
12 There 's usually just enough rightness about them to make you feel guilty but not quite enough to stop one feeling resentful and baffled as well .
13 He was on his bike six kids jumped him and said give us your bike they , they took his bike off him gave him a hammering right on the nose , broke his nose .
14 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
15 Some essential honesty about it brings it back from the brink .
16 She grumbles a bit about me waking her up , but I do n't think she minds all that much .
17 There are enough access difficulties already in existence for us to worry us .
18 As can be observed from the contrast between I saw him swim/swimming across the river , the infinitive refuses a partial view of an action-like event as intercepted midway between the beginning and the end .
19 ‘ I 've to see them at the bank shortly — there 's that Buttering to be fixed , and no money for it wi'out they 'll give me a loan . ’
20 Although it is frightening that so many people take Ecstasy to guarantee a ‘ good time ’ , what is more frightening is that it takes a Class A drug for them to feel they can lose their inhibitions .
21 In the valley of Minas Morgul the Ringwraith sends out a command for him to put it on , but Frodo finds no response to it in his own will , feeling only ‘ the beating upon him of a great power from outside ’ .
22 The kindly old chap who gave up his seat for me brought me my pint saying ‘ Drink this mate , you 'll feel better when tha 's supped that . ’
23 ‘ I 'm sorry about you and Garry ; it must be torture for you to lose him , but his wife and child must come first , ’ she said sympathetically .
24 Indeed , it was a pleasure for us to hear him champion the cause of unilateralism .
25 All six had conquered hardships of their own to help those in need and Celebrities Guild founder Ella Glazer said : ‘ They 're all remarkable people and it 's a pleasure for us to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked . ’
26 They have this little peephole where you have to shove your cigarette so it sticks out on the other side for them to light it .
27 The majesty of it stunned her .
28 The shock and force of it sent her reeling back against the wall once more .
29 Hope flared within her so strongly , so quickly , that the force of it frightened her .
30 He was heading straight into the wind and the force of it buffeted him from side to side until his sense of direction became totally confused .
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