Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [v-ing] their " in BNC.

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1 Since publication of our book Eighteenth-century English Furniture : The Norman Adams Collection we have bought back eleven pieces as a direct result of Americans seeing their furniture illustrated therein .
2 But for this provision , the membership of a licensing board dealing with proceedings at the quarterly March meeting in the year when the board is due for reelection might change during the course of the proceedings as a result of members completing their term of office and new members being elected .
3 The second is a result of women having their breasts grabbed . ’
4 With 1,465 golf courses now in operation and planning approval granted for 762 more , the heyday of farmers selling their land for three times its agricultural value may be past .
5 Charterers have recently shown growing concern about the standards of maintenance of ships carrying their cargoes .
6 This may have some root in Tolkien 's own experience , for it stresses the unwisdom of fathers leaving their children — Tolkien hardly knew his own father — and seems to be groping towards a statement about the incompatibility of men and women , users and providers , wasters and winners .
7 The IFM says an angling test should at first be voluntary but perhaps become compulsory in the future with anglers losing their licence for breaking a code of practice .
8 Osburn saw hope for the future in Englishmen mending their ways .
9 The great majority of women limiting their families did not attend clinics at all but learnt from their neighbours , friends , or literature .
10 The manner in which these principles of linguistic organisation are involved in the real-time learning of languages — whether it is in the case of children learning their native languages , or adults learning second languages — raises many important questions about the way that innate principles and actual experience of language interact to produce the competence that speakers have in the languages they speak .
11 Most artists would revel in such adulation , especially when the film is followed by a special concert that is to be televised and includes a whole gang of celebrities paying their musical respects .
12 Within Scotland information on the impact of the school on its community , on the significance of school closure and of hostelisation of older pupils comes from research studies and from written personal experience of teachers remembering their own education .
13 The initiative 's success will depend absolutely on the effectiveness of the web of partnerships that can be woven ; the Foundation will be equally glad to draw advantage from the experience of others creating their own versions of partnership .
14 Thus the proportion of women reaching their late forties who were ( or had been ) married fell from a high of 88 per cent in the late nineteenth century to a low of 83 per cent in 1921 and 1931 .
15 Education , moreover , was tending to reduce those differences that still remained ; the proportion of children receiving their education through Russian was steadily increasing , and Russian-speaking Tatars were found in turn to be more favourably disposed towards internationality contact in their home and workplace .
16 Every tribe has its own core of Big'uns waiting their chance to take over and becomes the tribe 's chieftain .
17 The report , the second of its kind , said that the situation had deteriorated ; the percentage of mills breaching their limits had risen from 65 per cent before 1990 , to 75 per cent in the 1990-92 period .
18 Corporate identification with workers knowing their place is in short ‘ a managers Nirvana ’ ( Galenson 1974 p.697 ) .
19 In the current financial climate , which sees us wrestling with colleges managing their own budgets and , in our own authority , reeling from the outcome of poll-capping , the expenses involved in improving physical access are likely to be competing with numerous other worthy but expensive causes .
20 The parties will probably wish to provide the expert with documents supporting their respective cases .
21 The Unity Campaign was officially transformed into the Labour Unity Campaign with committees limiting their members to Labour Party subscribers .
22 Notwithstanding problems of this kind there has been undoubted improvement in VDU design and it has been speculated that trade union pressure for high design standards has been a major stimulus to companies marketing their products on the basis of user acceptability . "
23 In an interview with the Financial Times of Sept. 24 , Gaidar said that in order to tighten monetary policy the government needed to carry out ( i ) a negotiated exit from the rouble zone by countries creating their own currencies [ see below for Russia 's suspension of financial transactions with Ukraine ] ; ( ii ) a reduction of Russian central bank credits to state enterprises ; and ( iii ) a swift privatization of large state enterprises .
24 Boots said there was a message on the product about children cleaning their teeth after eating or drinking .
25 A tantrum can be a simple process of children losing their temper , lying on the kitchen floor , and screaming in anger for two minutes .
26 Faddiness is often a manipulative process of children gaining their own way .
27 Coleridge addressed to the stream a delicate poem in the Bowles manner , describing the ‘ scatter 'd cots and peaceful hamlet ’ he saw , as well as a band of schoolchildren launching their ‘ paper navies ’ into the water .
28 Watt 's Nine Men ( 1943 ) depicts a group of soldiers making their last stand in a desert hut , which has a dramatic intensity that pushes it to the edge of documentary fiction .
29 A dispute with the local rector and manager led to a group of parents withdrawing their support from the school and coming together to form the Dalkey School Project .
30 By the time hay-making came to an end it was impossible to work in any of the Handley Farm fields without hearing the sound of axes eating their way through Wychwood Forest .
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