Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Wild pleasure streaked to every nerve-end in Caroline 's body , the reaction intensifying as he moved his mouth to the other breast , scorching such shafts of response through her that she caught his dark head in her hands , convulsively raking her fingers through the silky curls of his hair , arching herself up to his touch .
2 ‘ You see , it is rather bad luck for you that you happened to come here on one of our meatless days . ’
3 ‘ The Test match fulfils an ambition for me that I never thought would be possible in my time , ’ he said .
4 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
5 His eyes met hers , dark and secret with a light behind them that she could not fail to see .
6 Oh , what pleasure would it be to me were there a good understanding between my mother and myself , when I am assured if I know my own heart , that I am so far from having any ill against her that I have almost undone myself to serve her …
7 Even trying to shield herself from him , she could feel that void in him that he wanted her to fill .
8 She glanced up , met those extraordinary eyes , and saw from the mockery in them that she 'd been right .
9 Leader of Tory-run Suffolk County Council , Chris Penn , said : ‘ It is obviously a disappointment to us that he will not be able to stand in May because of his private circumstances . ’
10 He 'd put his mind to it that he would n't , you know this he had it in mind that we were going to work for this thirty pound a week less , take it or leave it .
11 It never was matter for such fear to me that I must have tried to silence him .
12 At the time you enter a Deed of Covenant , the covenant should be capable of lasting for more than 3 years , and there should be the intention by you that it does so .
13 Recognition has two referents : recognition by me that I have done well , and recognition by others .
14 This process of acknowledging a person 's power bases is called legitimization — the recognition by me that I will allow you to affect my behaviour .
15 ‘ You are that part of me that I cut off , and I never have been and never shall be whole without you . ’
16 He came — she felt the moment in pain and sadness — but he continued to move , banging at her , clutching just that part of her that he needed , as if he 'd felt nothing , as if he did n't know when to stop .
17 He was so much a part of her that she never needed nor wanted to examine too closely the nature of her feeling for him .
18 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
19 Fergus had been so intensely aware of every separate part of her that it had been a pain and a torment .
20 His expression had n't changed , but suddenly she saw an underlying loss and sadness , so much a part of him that it was easy to miss — but once seen , not easy to overlook again .
21 It has become so much a part of them that they are often unaware of its existence .
22 The point about RAM is that you can put any pattern of 1s and 0s into any part of it that you like , on as many occasions as you like .
23 I think football seems to , to bring out the worst in a lot of people and that 's the part of it that I do n't like .
24 I love it because it 's Christian and Christmas to me is basically a traditional Christian festival , and that 's the part of it that I enjoy .
25 Eating the right kind of food and having a balanced diet is important not only for weight control but for the well-being of skin , hair and every other part of us that we tend to treat in terms of beauty rather than health care .
26 Dad moved slowly towards Mum and I could see by the look of him that he was furious .
27 It wo n't be altogether a lie , I feel a responsibility towards him that I do n't really understand .
28 Dealings with clients ' money — a solicitor must keep a careful and separate account of any money of yours that he handles and must account to you for deposit interest if he or she holds a significant amount of your money for a significant length of time .
29 But , Kähler insisted , precisely this principle can not be relied upon in the case of Jesus , because of the witness of the Bible and of Christian experience of him that he is unique , perfect and free from sin .
30 The delicacy of his touch as he stroked her was such that Julia could hardly feel it at all , and yet it aroused in her a longing for him that she had never before experienced .
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