Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Check that the directory exists and has the correct protection for LIFESPAN to access it .
2 Today provides a more immediate issue- the final opportunity for cricket to show it 's not administered entirely by blithering idiots .
3 Only it 's got this separate bit for trolley loading it 's got written on it .
4 Freer use of money for recruitment made it easier for kings to recruit armies when and how they wished ; and for knights and nobles to lead their lives according to their own inclinations .
5 and er anyway our Dawn says I 'm not paying all that bloody money for babe to rip it off for when
6 The club would only serve soft drinks but Morag Coates of Grange Road Action For Youth said it would have a wine bar-type atmosphere .
7 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
8 For example , a reduction in the cost of grinding and polishing plate glass was made possible by the float process , but it took a long time and a great deal of money to make it work .
9 We had a good deal of fun doing it . ’
10 But you understand that someone went to a deal of trouble to sharpen it , well in advance , and so must have planned the murder .
11 Moreover , the ambiguous meaning of ‘ caring ’ , especially the unarticulated elision of ‘ caring for ’ with ‘ caring about ’ , adds important emotional overtones to these tasks : ‘ the dominant cultural perception of caring sees it as involving essentially female qualities ’ ( Baldwin and Twigg , 1991 , p. 123 ) .
12 It argues that in order to understand the geography of employment decline it is necessary to understand the changes going on in production itself .
13 The light shining through her roughly heaped haycock of hair made it blaze so you might have thought you could warm your hands at it .
14 This loss of influence made it fear the nationalists more .
15 The vast bulk of delegated legislation is made with no reference to Parliament beyond the original delegation of power to make it by Parliament .
16 … [ W ] e may say generally that the gradual establishment of the masses in power is the blackest omen for all legislation founded on scientific opinion , which requires tension of mind to understand it , and self-denial to submit to it .
17 As the Annan Committee on the Future of Broadcasting put it ,
18 But the remedies given by the sections include personal remedies , such as an order that the recipient of property transfer it back to the company , or an order that the other party to a transaction pay a sum of money to the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate .
19 As one particularly crude characterisation of pluralism puts it :
20 As one exponent of individualism puts it with unusual explicitness ,
21 Although there are no apparent rhyming schemes there is a regularity in the number of syllables each line possesses throughout the whole piece of work making it easy to read and , again , rhythmical .
22 As a chairman , I did n't have to worry about finding a particular part to put in a piece of kit to make it work .
23 ah , I 've put you a three eight , wide eight thick piece of steel lay it on the top that would hold it down in the middle
24 A line around the pipe will help : use a piece of paper to draw it .
25 No , it 's okay er , just carry on cos I 'm just looking for a piece of paper to write it on .
26 If there is to be a fairly detailed piece of note writing it very often is a fairly near or an exact copy of something that 's already gone before .
27 What themes emerged in public argument against the slave trade and how do they relate to the basic concern with good order and the imperative of action to achieve it ?
28 Some hours later — no one counted , but it was a long time — eight soaking , snow-covered individuals just — but only just — on the right side of hypothermia made it to the main Teesdale road , which snow ploughs had kept open .
29 In the light of revisionist work it is difficult to treat Nicholas 's resistance to liberal reform as a matter of chance or historical accident .
30 ONLY a handful of artists have been sufficiently disturbed by the violence of war to capture it in their paintings : Goya certainly , Henry Moore in his air-raid shelter sketches , Picasso in his ‘ Guernica ’ perhaps , and , a step down , Paul Nash and Wyndham Lewis .
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