Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Studies by EC Commission staff in preparation for unification identified a range of issues needing special arrangements and transitional provisions .
2 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
3 This tour of Europe and Asia gave the opportunity for Kitto to acquire the knowledge of customs and scenery which he put to good use on his return to England in 1833 by writing articles in the Penny Magazine under the title , ‘ The Deaf Traveller . ’
4 On a buy-in of shares there will not be the opportunity for Target to defer the payment of consideration to departing shareholders in a tax-efficient manner , whereas on an acquisition of Target by Newco there can be a share-for-debenture exchange as described in 5.2.4 above .
5 When embalming a case which has been the subject of a post-mortem examination , there is likely to be more opportunity for formaldehyde to enter the atmosphere but care is taken to minimise this .
6 Many of us saw this as an opportunity for mankind to make a small gesture of recompense to the cetaceans ( the whale family ) for the abuses we had inflicted upon them .
7 The provision for expenditure reflects the amounts expected to be paid during the financial year .
8 The provision for abandonment represents the accumulated amount of the Group 's share of abandonment cost of £58 million [ 1991 £45 million ] for all North Sea fields in which the Group has an interest and which are currently in production , £1 million [ 1991 £nil ] for similar costs in Nova Scotia , and £nil [ 1991 £1 million ] in Australia .
9 Against this , it is arguable that one can feel the sense of waiting and subsequent satisfaction only when there is some expected framework , and the framework for language has no obvious parallels with non-linguistic ones ; so we do have one autonomous characteristic of language , even if all the others — equation of two elements , instantiation of one element by another , and so on — are part of the much more general perceptual and conceptual apparatus of human beings .
10 Mrs June Goodier , one of the organisers , said they were delighted with the response for help to run the show .
11 The struggle for independence forced the ‘ homogenization ’ of the national liberation movement relative to the imperial power .
12 Unlike the proceedings of the general council twelve years before , these were the meetings of a debating society , not a struggle for power to control the army and through it the government of the country .
13 AS THOUSANDS of East German refugees began leaving Prague in special trains last night bound for the West , the dramatic struggle for emigration reached the streets of the East German capital itself .
14 Use of telephone lines of any kind for videoconferencing requires the multimedia equivalent of a modem , known as a codec ( compression-decompression unit ) .
15 Fold in flour and baking powder then add enough milk for mixture to have a soft dropping consistency .
16 In negotiations with the Iranians , however , North maintained that his enthusiasm for war had no place .
17 Research in the 1970s and 1980s showed a link between lead entering the body and the state of health .
18 These represent the government 's formal request to Parliament for cash to finance the major part of central government 's expenditure .
19 There was strong support for maturity having a negative effect on volume , that is , volume rises as delivery approaches .
20 There was also growing support for legislation to impose a seven-day waiting period to enable checks to be made on prospective gun purchasers .
21 Heightened awareness of Aboriginal health inequalities , coupled with acknowledgement of how disadvantaged Aborigines are in other aspects of life , has elicited cross party support for action to improve the situation .
22 I assure him of our full support for action to stop the hypocrisy of exporting calves for veal production in other countries .
23 The formulation of a course for validation placed a greater burden on college resources than offering a centrally devised course but he felt that this was offset by the ability which a college now had to react quickly and flexibly to meet local demands .
24 Here again , it seems to me that there is not only an opportunity but a necessity for Parliament to give the problem its urgent attention .
25 The result will be a governing coalition for which no one voted , and with policies ( born of the necessity for compromise to effect the coalition ) which were never set before the electorate for their approval and support .
26 Architect who lacked a genius for self-promotion tours the world
27 One could also argue that the Poet is using the Mistress as bait to induce the Friend to remain : this three-way relationship is as complex as that in Sartre 's Huis clos ( two women , one man ) and in some ways equally claustrophobic and degrading .
28 UEFA 's decision to overturn shamed opponents Dinamo Tbilisi 's appeal against disqualification for bribery means the Georgian club will automatically lose their win bonus for defeating the Blues 3–2 in the preliminary round .
29 It is very important this is done , we can join the raffle for the East Midlands airport and I 'll tell you this I will help you pick out the winning ticket er but we can not use the East Midlands airport money for revenue to run the stations .
30 Straw that would once have been used to bed the cattle down is now put into a boiler as fuel to heat the offices .
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