Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] of [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 Sanctions can not possibly ‘ work ’ in the time he can allow for maintaining half a million men in combat readiness thousands of miles from home and for keeping his public opinion with him .
2 While exploring the question of whether bees can use information about direction gathered on the flight back from the food , we transported foragers caught as they were leaving the hive for natural sources to an artificial feeder in the middle of a large car park hundreds of metres from the hive .
3 So this is the natural timescale on which to find biologically modulated climatic changes — and it is also the timescale typical of changes from Ice Age to interglacial and back again to Ice Age .
4 ‘ You are in a place hundreds of miles from London with a few paltry soldiers to guard your back .
5 The action takes place thousands of miles from ‘ the perennial roar of London ’ , but the reader remains very much aware of London and the civilization it stands for as moral standards crumble ; ‘ savage ’ and ‘ white man ’ become confused until the conduct of the whites , intent on mutual destruction , seems worse than that of ‘ these poor souls — and even Sally Day , the child of cannibals , in all likelihood a cannibal himself — so faithful to what they knew of good ’ .
6 Two Ulster-born servicemen died in the war thousands of miles from home in the South Atlantic .
7 Every day thousands of returnees from occupied Kuwait are still entering Jordan , putting pressure on the country 's resources and causing friction between the people fleeing the country .
8 It was time to say dasvadanya ( goodbye ) to almost the entire carriage : the old man with a chest full of medals from the Great Patriotic War against the Nazis ; the young pianist visiting her estranged father in Riga and , of course , the gentle engineer with whom I had shared so much food and time .
9 It 's been a bumpy ride , but the bill to privatize British Rail is almost at the end of its long parliamentary journey but the battle is n't over yet , earlier this week hundreds of protestors from a variety of backgrounds gave up a day and travelled from the North to carry their defiant message to Transport Secretary John MacGregor .
10 After the final whistle hundreds of spectators from the crowd of about 16,000 in the 28,000-seat Government Stadium at Causeway Bay invaded the pitch for a mass mud-bath .
11 It kept the lifeline open to a remote island thousands of miles from home .
12 Perhaps he does not know that I have a suitcase full of letters from constituents who are desperately concerned about the Bill .
13 The danger is that , if the guillotine motion goes through , the writers of the suitcase full of letters from my constituency will feel outraged , and they will express that outrage in the way that one would expect .
14 At least the enemy had taken time to bury the soldiers , but what a way to go ; dead and buried in a ditch hundreds of miles from home .
15 Indeed , the last straw as far as Coleman was concerned was when Hurley took a group of his Lebanese CIs , whose identities he needed to protect at all costs , to lunch down the street at a café full of officials from the Bulgarian Embassy .
16 I crept out of the sitting-room and into the small room next door , where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase .
17 Rose of Lima wrote no spiritual works ; influenced , in her time at least , no worldly powers ; reformed no evil Church authorities ; fought no public battles ; and lived anyway in a Third World country thousands of miles from the centre of things .
18 Sceptics doubt , however , whether this scenic region hundreds of miles from a major city can sustain a sprawling 13.5-acre showcase for Minimal , Pop , and Conceptual art .
19 I had forgotten how beautiful the Suffolk countryside could be , even from a dual carriageway full of juggernauts from Holland and Denmark and Ford Escorts full of reps all with their coats hung neatly in the back and their Barry Manilow tapes belting out .
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