Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Okay has anyone had a think about what they want to do ?
2 In fact , many women feel that tzniut , or modesty , is not only a protection for her which serves as a ‘ hands off ’ signal to men , but also allows a responsibility for her own actions .
3 The atmosphere which is evoked in the reading of the poem is one of hopelessness , of resignation , of dark depression and sadness alleviated only by the concluding couplet through which we understand that although oncoming death seems to ‘ take away ’ everything from him , his beloved still remains and can see the glimmers of life through desolation .
4 Like the faith for which they argue , the best books are there not to collect dust but to stretch minds and to shed light .
5 However , he thought that this meaning had evolved from the original word for a straight track , via the clearing of the woodland through which it passed , to the more common present-day meaning .
6 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
7 By his own account , after much expenditure of charcoal and years of failure , he discovered a powder through which he made a successful projection of sufficient gold to pay off his creditors .
8 ‘ That 'd be a clever trick for someone who 's just been blown up . ’
9 But er at , prior to the fire there was , there was a division between what they called the , the catapult shop , er the machine shop and the fitting shop .
10 The general election will be the opportunity for which we have waited .
11 Her wide blue eyes focused on his face and then blurred as a safety defence for something she did n't want to see .
12 Problems with a terminal or page printer would be considered a lower level problem than a problem with the disk units or processor for which we have no spares .
13 She was so transparent that there seemed nothing but clear skin between what she felt and what she said .
14 But er the these production investment activities are associated really with production engineering , er very closely aligned with development and erm unless you can do those between now and the end of nineteen ninety five , when we start the P I phase in nineteen ninety six before you can really make any progress you would then have to do a further year and a half of production engineering so in the new quotations Eurofighter are making a case for what they term a development assurance phase , some advance production engineering work starting later this year and going on until the end of ninety five but when we start P I in ninety six , we can start with a bang and make fast progress .
15 Instead of building a case for ourselves we attack the opponent or his case .
16 THE COMMITMENTS is Alan Parker 's new film and represents a change of direction for him which has been phenomenally successful .
17 You and Daddy seem to expect a freedom for yourselves you have no intention of awarding me . ’
18 ‘ Rachel 's cot cost £130 and we bought a horsehair mattress for it which cost £50 — expensive but it will last a long time .
19 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
20 If you 're interested in standing for any of those or wan na put someone forward to stand for one of those , come to the elections in room six two three , six two four Friday the twenty sixth at two fifteen twenty third , I 'm sorry , at two fifteen and er not only will you get all the , the general info about what I 've done so far this year , what I intend to do , what next year 's budget 's going to be etcetera , that 's when those elections are actually held .
21 The catalyst for everything which had happened had been Simon , she brooded .
22 And here … sign this blank cheque for what you owe .
23 He said er we had a big hoo hah he said er I borrowed some money off him he said some time ago to do something with and I had n't got the money he said and when I sold the plot of land he said I paid him back what I owed him cos borrow the money .
24 Now I 'm lucky , I have four children no problems as such , and I have great sympathy for anyone who goes through all this to have a child !
25 With regard to the vote in the House of Commons on the proposed European committee of the regions , although I can have no sympathy for anyone who votes with the Tory Government I can understand the SNP 's attempts at embracing reality and moving towards the concept of Europe of the regions .
26 In fact the latest development is that they do n't even do that by picking up a telephone , the message is teleprinted on , onto a message pad there , and when they run in they pull off this pad , and there 's the whole text for what they 've got to do , where they 've got to go , and so on .
27 Old Mother Thames will be keeping mum about what she has in store for them … until the big day in April .
28 The board only markets accommodation which has passed an inspection for which it charges a fee .
29 The board only markets accommodation which has passed an inspection for which it charges a fee .
30 He appeared regularly in the shop , invariably walking out with yet another purchase for which he had scant use .
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