Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The first significant change to the political map of the Merovingian kingdom occurred with the campaign of Theudebert II and Theuderic II against Chlothar II in the year 600 , as a result of which the latter was left only with the territories of Beauvais , Amiens and Rouen .
2 Here he writes that with the succession of avant-gardes taking the place of established avant-gardes there is a certain ‘ épuration ’ of poetry in which the latter is ‘ reduced ’ to its own ‘ proper materials ’ .
3 The aim of this project is therefore to undertake a comparison of South Africa 's labour legislation with the ILO standards in order to ascertain the degree to which the former conform with the latter and provide a comprehensive historical resource base .
4 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
5 But Humphrey argues that such a design might well not produce consciousness , because the sensation from which the latter arises is essentially a redundant survival from primitive forms .
6 CAT is a donee-based tax in which the more people who share in a particular inheritance the lower the tax will be .
7 Investment should increase capacity up to the point at which the once-and-for-all cost of a new plant equals the present value of operating profits when the efficient pricing structure is in operation .
8 that 's why they have these on the end of them weapon with a yellow fork at the end , but even without that you still get lots of little bits of cardboard come out , its a cardboard wad inside its the same charge as a but its a cardboard box , cardboard blank inside
9 It is the other in a hierarchically organized relationship in which the same is what rules , names , defines , and assigns ‘ its ’ other .
10 Edinburgh District Council has a strong commitment to equal opportunities and I am only too happy to support an event at which the many different cultures , religions and experiences of women in Edinburgh today were represented .
11 The result is certainly a change of meaning : The cat sat on the moss ; but in this case it is impossible to find a different sentence in which the same substitution of forms produces a parallel change of meaning .
12 Absent from the screenplay was an exchange between Benjamin and his father in which the former expresses his desire to live among ‘ ordinary people who do n't have big houses .
13 So a week in which the former partner misses his child support payment is likely to cause substantial problems ; likewise the period while benefits are being assessed or re-assessed .
14 Nor is this the only area in which the former chairman has left himself open to potential conflicts of interest .
15 Whatever the difference of view held across the House , given that CTCs are funded by public money , will the Secretary of State take urgent steps to give parents whose children are refused admission to them the same right of appeal that is available in respect of all other publicly-funded schools ?
16 A point which emerges … is the frequency with which the same orders of magnitude keep on recurring among people of widely different technical achievements and inhabiting areas with markedly different physical characteristics .
17 I assume here that there is a sense in which the latter is the case , though the full story is more complex and can not be explored here .
18 He employed a builder from his home town who was well used to the sophisticated style in which the many rich cloth merchants were building their houses .
19 All I know is she looked a lot like me , and gave birth to me the same day as Donna . ’
20 On the true construction of section 82(1) there is not , in my opinion , any paragraph under which the latter case could be brought .
21 More importantly , the amalgamation of consular with diplomatic services , the ending of the inferior status to which the former ( and therefore by implication all commercial considerations ) had traditionally been relegated , had for long been a favourite panacea of reformers in several countries .
22 The amount by which the latter is over-length is the length of time that you should allow the source recording to run before you begin the transfer onto the cued tape ; the music will then end exactly on cue .
23 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
24 It is certainly what would be expected if the latent inhibitor functions like a CS- but it could just as easily be a consequence of generalization decrement — adding another stimulus to the excitatory CS might modify the way in which the latter is perceived and thus reduce its ability to evoke the CR .
25 First , the relationship between school and community and the way in which the latter holds implications for the teacher 's task .
26 There being no obvious and convincing way in which the latter can be brought into the reckoning , the practice adopted by disinterested psephologists and proponents of the STV alike is to count first-preference votes only .
27 Beatrice Webb 's admiration for the philanthropic work of Mary Booth rested on the way in which the latter expressed ‘ gentle and loving contempt for any special work outside the ordinary sphere of a woman 's life , [ and ] her high standard of excellence which should discourage any vain attempt to leave the beaten track of a woman 's duty ’ .
28 The announcement was made at a seminar for coaches , organised by the SCU and the Scottish Sports Council 's Teamsport Cricket co-ordinator , Iain Kennedy , held in Dundee last weekend at which the former England team manager , Mickey Stewart , was present .
29 ‘ But I never felt remorse about them the same way I did about him .
30 On the face of it the latter view certainly seems the more rational , since the two states in question appear to contain elements that are inherently irreconcilable .
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