Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] being [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Usually , in such circumstances the officer would use his torch and catch such couples in full beam , the effect of that being more devastating .
2 In the extreme case of x being exactly known unc the momentum must be totally unknown ( Ap infinite ) , and vice versa .
3 Habermas 's later work has opened up the way for communication to be studied as a social practice and has identified it as a dimension of social being largely absent in Marx 's account .
4 In 1984 , 61 per cent of households owned their own homes , the proportion in 1971 being only 49 per cent .
5 Nor have I come upon any factor to prove the truth of another assumption which may be made : to wit , that Subject A was the mother of Subject B. Experience and probability point to this being so but that is all .
6 Thus , the partners should decide what each needs to do to improve the relationship and then attempt to make these changes , without the behaviour of one being entirely contingent on whether or not the other partner does what was agreed .
7 Here in the UK we are used to major variations in water chemistry from area to area despite this being only a small country ; the huge Amazon system , however , consists generally of soft and acid waters .
8 The consternation this single idea provoked will be nothing compared with the new breed of whole-school responsibilities which are now beginning to emerge : technology across the curriculum , IT across the curriculum , and economic awareness for all being just the start .
9 As with any other important investment decision , you would be well advised to take your time , do some basic research into the track record of any policies you might be considering ( specialist magazines such as Money Management provide a useful starting point ) and on no account sign any document without first being absolutely certain that you fully understand all the terms and conditions including the administrative charges .
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