Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [coord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The upper line shows the least-squares regression for insectivores and frugivores , the lower one that for folivores ( from Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1977 ) .
2 Mr Leigh wants more protection for footpaths and bridleways .
3 Protection for bedding and furnishings
4 Skin protection for hands and arms is standard and of late protective goggles , visors , masks or other facial skin and eye protection are being adopted .
5 The research follows an earlier ( 1987 ) successful study of the same issues for the period c.1660-1770 which was financed for three months byu The Nuffield Foundation and aided by a British Academy grant for travel and consumables .
6 with much of his time fragmented by preparation for lectures and classes .
7 They descended a flight of steps , entered a classroom block by a side-door and began to thread a route through corridors and passages busy with bustling knots of purple-blazered schoolboys .
8 The evening is given over to mission experience through film or slides , then night prayer followed by a social evening .
9 It is tempting to think of it as a number cruncher , but as Symphony itself demonstrates , a spreadsheet is equally capable of manipulating text as numbers and dates .
10 The division between compositors and machinemen offered employers an opportunity to play one off against the other , weakening the union 's bargaining power .
11 Industrial capitalism was indeed expanding productive power and creating a sharp division between employers and employees .
12 The second pair of cleavages was associated with the industrial revolution : one was linked to the division between town and country ( or agricultural and manufacturing interests ) ; the other concerned the growing division between employers and workers ( the class divide ) .
13 On the North Shore , racial disharmony found a hook in the simple division between locals and haoles ( pronounced ‘ howlies ’ ) .
14 Despite the attempt to impose a rigid status system , the division between farmers and warriors was never as clear cut as intended .
15 Note that there is no fixed division between inputs and outputs .
16 There is also a division between professionals and amateurs , though at times it is rather difficult to draw the line .
17 AIthough the term is not examined in detail here , it will be clear from both this chapter and Chapter 3 on services , as well as Chapter 6 , that the division between manufacturing and services has always been blurred and is becoming , perhaps increasingly , problematical .
18 The basis for a new statute and manifesto to be adopted by the congress , it was followed by a heated debate which illustrated the division between reformers and conservatives , but the documents approved on Feb. 1 showed that moderate reformers had been victorious .
19 It is true that they frequently spoke in terms of a division between Whigs and Tories , especially in Anne 's reign ; yet there were times when they rejected this language in favour of a distinction between Court and Country parties or even some multi-party formulation .
20 But to perpetuate a division between arts and sciences , the useless and the useful , is in my view just as damaging .
21 This model was developed from a study of 11 villages in Nottinghamshire , where immigration had created a division between newcomers and locals .
22 It was probably the archosaurs that started the division between herbivores and carnivores , since all primitive animals were scavengers , or killed prey that killed other prey .
23 Several governments that had no division between purchasers and providers are busy creating one in order to encourage managed competition .
24 One of the strangest things about the two Maus books is the way they subvert the comforting conventions of the adventure strip so that its familiar clear-cut division between heroes and villains , its technical short cuts and moral simplifications somehow make it easier , not more difficult , for the reader to grasp that these things actually happened .
25 Thus the division between polytechnics and universities will disappear as both come under common funding councils , [ one each for England , Wales and Scotland ] , for example : Higher Education Funding Councils for universities and polytechnics and further Education Funding Councils for further education colleges .
26 The Rendezvous Dance on Friday evening and the Civic Reception hosted by the Mayor on Saturday evening provided an opportunity for delegates and visitors to relax and renew old friendships .
27 This feature , which is thought to have developed from a desire for an apse and altar both for abbot and his monks at the east end , and for the bishop and laity at the west , gave no opportunity for masons and sculptors to decorate a deeply moulded western porch , as was usual in France or England .
28 Plenty of opportunity for instrumentalists and singers with JOHN BRYAN .
29 He said : ‘ How would a political party as totally committed as the Labour Party to equality of treatment and of opportunity for girls and women , lend its support to the introduction of schools in which men exercise all the power , and women are assigned a subordinate and restricted role ? ’
30 Respect for the individual implies equal opportunity for women and minorities — and IBM has set some good examples .
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