Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [was/were] to be " in BNC.

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1 If the help available was to be a free good then , in the USA , there would be a considerable amount of stigma attached to recipients of it .
2 Held , allowing the appeal , that although ā€˜ action ā€™ in section 69 of the Solicitors Act 1974 was to be construed liberally it could extend only to forms of legal process and did not embrace a statutory demand , the service of which was merely part of the statutorily prescribed procedure for obtaining remedies afforded to creditors by a bankruptcy order and did not of itself initiate legal proceedings ; that a solicitor was therefore not debarred by section 69(1) from serving a statutory demand for payment of his costs before the expiration of one month from the date of delivery of his bill of costs ; and that , accordingly , since the statutory demand and petition were valid , they would be remitted to the district judge for hearing ( post , pp. 1029Eā€“F , G ā€” 1030A , 1031E ) .
3 Alice also said it would be a good thing if all the rubbish remaining in No. 45 were to be disposed of , for it gave such a bad impression .
4 Val Fajr No 9 was to be the last set-piece operation in the north .
5 The function of clause 12 was , we think , twofold ; first , it imposed a personal payment obligation on the various companies and , second , it dealt with the manner in which the costs , charges and expenses referred to in clause 9 were to be quantified .
6 He submitted that paragraph 19 was to be construed without regard to paragraph 16(1) .
7 Strand two brought in the Irish government and strand three was to be between the UK and Irish governments .
8 The examination of the performance of standard in-rack systems led to the realisation that systems giving a much quicker and better-directed response to fire were necessary if the performance requirements of section 6.3 were to be met .
9 Each Authority was to fix the fares in its own area and receipts taken on the section concerned were to be divided equally between the L.C.C .
10 In addition , pupils in the first year of Key Stage 3 were to be introduced by the summer of 1990 to the programmes of study and attainment targets in two of these subjects : mathematics and science .
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