Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adj] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The unconscious seems involved in a deep way , in part due to their setting themselves up as a Chosen People of God the Father .
2 Yes , but I well yes I mean this is a judgement each of us has to make erm it 's a judgement if you 've got a member of your family involved in this , then obviously your attitude is going to be totally different from the rest of us that are n't .
3 At the Confirmation Mass each of us had our special responsibility as musician , reader or at the preparation of the gifts .
4 That is quite different from the responsibility each of us accepts as an individual .
5 he 's only been f here for half of the Debate , under those circumstances since he ca n't have heard all the arguments , it 's a bit rich for him to call us casual .
6 There were plenty of kittiwakes , but on closer inspection some of them turned out to be Icelandic gulls .
7 Before getting on board some of us walked down the platform to take photographs of Evening Star running round its train .
8 Figure 4.5 is broadly consistent with data from Earth-based radar some of which have yielded data on a smaller scale in equatorial regions than that from the Orbiter .
9 And when they arrived some of the Celtic tribes were standing on the shore and they were very very fierce , bright red hair some of them had and beards .
10 And somehow , from the warmth we all feel for the soundtracks of our adolescence and the prevalent loathing some of us feel for the current torpor of the charts , he has managed to fashion something comically incendiary .
11 At the Job Centre they were a bit funny about me going on government schemes because I had the baby , but I did get on one eventually .
12 But of course this in itself has implications for method .
13 Well some of these national conflicts have been artificially created by the Soviet State , but of course some of them have n't like the Azerbaijan Armenian Border conflict , that 's been going on for centuries , it was existed before the Soviet and it 's gon na go on existing after it .
14 As noone has posted or commented on it I will in case some of you did nt hear it .
15 just in case some of you do n't have access to rec.sport.soccer , here 's something that 's just arrived :
16 it 's , it 's around somewhere , she 's slung it , she was in a foul mood oh looks a bit slim in them do n't she ?
17 Chairman some of us have already slipped out and made those phone calls could n't somebody else not do the same ?
18 It provides a detailed survey of pay , and therefore makes research possible into what determines pay in Northern Ireland .
19 Why do I need to practice that with you counting numbers up to thirty one ?
20 The burners are instantly ignited at the touch of a button and the pre-set simmer control allows you to turn the flame low without it going out — ideal for cooking sauces .
21 If the model should decide to rotate on its own accord due to something having broken , it will usually stay in one spot and rotate quite happily .
22 And this was just one of a number of sites , known only to Halim and his team , where the early Chinese mariners had buried their dead together , as was their custom , with porcelain some of which had been fired in the imperial kilns of the Sung and Ming dynasties and dated back as far as the eleventh century .
23 Her veins ran fire , flashing back like a powder-train to the heart , and there bursting in a brilliance and violence such as she had never experienced or dreamed of .
24 An analogy such as I have just drawn in this three act drama of salvation can be dangerously misleading .
25 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
26 Any course of action such as I have suggested is fraught with difficulty , and everyone must recognise that .
27 It is much more useful to the author and users of the simulation model than the pictorial representation of Figure 6.8 for it shows the inputs , outputs and storages involved in the system .
28 As a result much of it had to be stored in a continuously digesting system , so a large torso was needed .
29 This was not a wedding such as we see today .
30 The day after our Confirmation many of us began our work-experience from school — a good reminder for us of our new role as Catholic adults in God 's world .
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