Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] place [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A fundraising coffee morning for Yorkshire Cancer Research takes place in Northallerton Town Hall on Wednesday from 10am3pm .
2 Early work on a research programme takes place without heed of or in spite of apparent falsifications by observation .
3 Most of the action takes place in San Francisco where the two lucky winners of our great contest will be heading for a sensational seven days .
4 The action takes place by way of a simple op.amp comparator , IC5 , and transistor TR5 .
5 The cross-linking paste contains a material capable of donating carbonium ions , and cross-linking takes place at chain ends via a ring opening polymerisation .
6 Much buying takes place under contract and this also tends to limit the search and investigation of alternative suppliers .
7 Germany will be reunited tonight ; the ceremony takes place at midnight when Berlin will become the capital of an independent Germany .
8 The women 's Olympic marathon takes place on July 31 , while the men 's race is on August 9 ; both events are being staged at 6.30pm .
9 A recent research project into extending staff-parent partnership took place in nursery settings .
10 A recent research project into extending staff-parent partnership took place in nursery settings .
11 Nearly half of all private development in North Shields and Tyne mouth took place on land originally owned by the council .
12 Location shooting took place in London , Vienna , Sydney , Tokyo and , for the film 's climactic scenes , Rome .
13 The devotion , care and research taking place in Bristol in the effort to combat these tragedies is uplifting .
14 Talks on exchanges of prisoners followed , with the participation of Cornelio Sommaruga , President of the International Committee of the Red Cross , and on Aug. 14 exchanges involving several hundred prisoners from each side took place at Nemetin , near Osijek in territory controlled by the UN Protection Force in Yugoslavia ( UNPROFOR ) .
15 The vote took place on Oct. 28 and the government was defeated by 121 votes to 111 , the BSP and MRF voting against the government , which immediately tendered its resignation .
16 Sweden : the Riksdag debate and vote took place on Nov. 18-19 , requiring only a simple majority for approval ; it was passed overwhelmingly by 308 to 13 ( former communists in the Left party , Vänsterpartiet ) , with six abstentions .
17 We would also ask you to observe the tradition of dinner on the terrace taking place by candlelight .
18 She came from an eminent legal family and the wedding took place at Croxton , Cambridgeshire , where her family had a home , on 2 May 1758 .
19 The wedding took place at St Nicholas Parish Church , Hillington , on 11th May at which fellow designer Roger McDowell was an Usher .
20 The wedding took place at Newart Hill Church and afterwards , the reception was held nearby in The Newhouse Hotel .
21 Their wedding took place in Paris on New Year 's Day 1537 with all the pomp James could have wished for , accompanied by the substantial dowry which he also fancied ; but six weeks after reaching Scotland his fragile wife died , unable to survive the rigours of the Scottish winter .
22 The village wedding I remember with most vivid pleasure took place in Sardinia .
23 The ceremony took place on Saturday 13 June 1953 at 2.30 pm and was presided over by the Reverend Colin Roberts , President of the Conference .
24 The ceremony took place with Picasso acting as godfather .
25 The ceremony took place at Fountains Abbey , near Ripon , on the anniversary of the original being signed , 777 years ago .
26 The inauguration ceremony took place in October , when the President of the Old Stopfordians , Mr. J. 5 .
27 The ceremony took place in Aachen ( Aix-la-Chapelle ) , the imperial city developed extensively by Charlemagne .
28 The first attempt to put any of these ideas into practice took place in North Rhine Westphalia in 1977–8 .
29 The prison break-out attempt took place at Crumlin Road jail in Belfast on Saturday , but failed after police discovered a large bomb nearby .
30 ‘ The Russian authorities are very likely to ask that they be extradited and tried in Russia since the crime took place in Russia and on a Russian plane , ’ Stockholm 's police superintendent , Tore Loftheim , said .
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