Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] she [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A great shudder went through the old house , as with a sickening crunch the weight hit her front wall .
2 Coins rained down on to the stage , and accepting their payment caused her more embarrassment than the impromptu show she was putting on .
3 He had no right to treat her this way .
4 A deputation from the right-wing 92 Group visited her that evening , as did three ministerial members of the No Turning Back Group .
5 Her husband found her one day wearing a rose pinned to her gown that was not from his garden , and guessed it was a gift from her lover .
6 Her husband joined her some months later , but the marriage was by then irrevocably damaged , and they separated soon after the outbreak of war .
7 I placed the plastic bag of dope on top of the cigarette packet , in clear view , but made no move to roll her another joint .
8 A little while later , Hugo left his friends and went upstairs to the room to take her some food and drink .
9 Have you got enough change to give her one pound fifty Jack ?
10 Gran told her that mum had to go into hospital because she was hysterical ! !
11 What a wonderful Christmas gesture by Nigel Havers to donate £300 to a woman whose plumber charged her that amount for unblocking a toilet .
12 She noticed the tightness of the thin lips , instinct warning her that trouble was at hand , so she leaned back in her chair and waited for the storm to break .
13 But if her astrologer gave her any warning , she 's not telling anyone .
14 Something between distress and amusement struck her this time .
15 Ellen was also in the winning team last year which will make it a hat-trick if the 1993 season brings her another win .
16 The latest threat to children recently is not just wait till your dad gets home , but , my daughter told her four week old baby , if you 're not good I 'll put you on the fax and send you through to daddy .
17 Will licking the soil do her any harm and will I need to worm her more often as two ponies go in the paddock as well ?
18 The sight of the bolted galley door reminded her that Fen would not have breakfasted .
19 The last word refused to emerge as a little voice reminded her that fitzAlan had asked why , out there on the drawbridge .
20 The thought gave her another fillip of excitement — her first job for Focus Now , the new picture magazine Nick was editing — and it was a corker , she knew it in her bones .
21 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
22 Her Mum gives her enough money .
23 Her Mum give , her Mum gave her thirty pounds one Saturday , for nuffink right .
24 Ms Pitcher 's letter wins her some Bridgedale gardening gloves and a pair of Classic professional Felco secateurs — together worth over £40
25 She tried to speak , but the effort cost her another mouthful of water .
26 Her maid told her this morning , It 's time
27 ‘ The hospital gave her this wig .
28 This year when June Bascome is taking advantage of this generous offer , she will be accompanied by Hilary ; as Jochen has very kindly extended the invitation to include her this time .
29 , our Sports Council Liaison Officer , has asked us to co-operate with a survey to give her some ammunition to fight on behalf of all the Movement & Dance organisations .
30 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
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