Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] she [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 The uninhibited joining of their bodies was more glorious than anything she had imagined , and the culminating spasm which rocked and arched her body made her cry out with exquisite agony .
2 Shock made her cry out , and he closed the door and moved towards her in quick strides , putting his hand across her mouth to stop-her scream .
3 A woman friend saw her driving out of town a few minutes later ; after that she just vanished into thin air .
4 and the big dog hates her going out and I have to be on my own .
5 The underlying reason is that the careful ordering of this woman 's life finally choked her , and the survival instinct compelled her to break out before she suffocated completely .
6 The caress made her cry out involuntarily .
7 And only after the incident did she find out that a handwritten notice had been displayed in the booking office .
8 The bitter statement made her cry out in protest .
9 The press had already scented a story , and friends at Regent 's Park Zoo urged her to speak out about the zoo animals ' wretched living conditions , now she had seen them in their natural habitat .
10 A GIRL aged 14 has already won a temporary court order allowing her to move out of the family home in Guildford , Surrey .
11 When Louise had collected herself , Myeloski took her through her story again , this time asking her to point out where incidents had occurred , where the hostages had been held .
12 She was worried because she did not know if the rules of the house permitted her to go out walking with Finn and , besides , they were going to be late for dinner .
13 ‘ According to George , Bunny saw her coming out of your basement .
14 How on earth did she get out ?
15 Why on earth had she blurted out such an idiotic-sounding accusation … ?
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