Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] it be time " in BNC.

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1 The families ' lawyer says it 's time the matter was sorted out .
2 He was adamant — although all the shareholders in the motor car felt it was time , as one did at school , to say look " I am involved " , but Buster was quite insistent that it was pointless 10 or 12 of us being flogged .
3 When in 1989 , Advent decided it was time to pay back some of its investors , Quality called in investment group 3i Plc to fund further growth .
4 The editor thought it was time to bring you an up-date on progress regarding the Camphill Development .
5 It shows that the people of the town believe it is time for change and that it 's time for Labour . ’
6 It shows that the people of the town believe it is time for change and that it 's time for Labour . ’
7 ‘ Everywhere I go I meet people from the town saying it 's time for a change . ’
8 The Collector knew it was time he hurried downstairs … he had expected that something like this would happen , but not so quickly .
9 The Marshal decided it was time to pay a visit to Headquarters .
10 One ear was pointing to the mountains ; the other suggested it was time for lunch .
11 Got as far as a Smegma , Arizona , where the left front wheel on my truck decided it was time for a vacation .
12 In the build up to her first ever world tour , the now seasoned campaigner decided it was time to kill the cutesy girl-next-door and reflect the reality of what had happened to her over the previous two years .
13 Supposing the Elders of a Carpet Snake clan decided it was time to sing their song cycle from beginning to end ?
14 her uncle and aunt decided it was time she took a husband , their choice for her being Manfro Draper , a posh-rat like herself .
15 As she moved off with the other mounted followers , Artemis determined that if her father thought it was time for her to stop riding ponies and learn to hunt on a horse , then so be it .
16 For her the slow , wide-winged beating across the waves of morning said it was time to run to the rocks and tug in the lines and get a move on .
17 Waverley 's opening statement came from vice-chair Michele Munro , who said the trust board felt it was time to offer the benefits former Scottish Homes tenants in the Borders had enjoyed with Waverley for the last four years to Tweeddale tenants .
18 ‘ Brrrrr — ’ he said as the Green Man signalled it was time to cross .
19 The specially-fortified milk is enough to sustain her … but now experts at Milton Keynes General Hospital say it 's time to start weaning her on to solid foods .
20 Before the summer faded it was time , once more , for us to get together .
21 The letter said it was time to make tax plans and added : ‘ It is no secret that a future Labour Government would abolish a number of the tax-planning opportunities that currently exist . ’
22 Vinnie decides it is time he spoke .
23 Arlene gave her a small push to indicate it was time and she moved out .
24 After keeping and breeding Malawi Cichlids for the past fifteen years NANCY SHUTTLE felt it was time for winds of change to blow into the fish house .
25 Now , in the conditions which prevailed in the church at Kidderminster he no doubt felt it was time to change .
26 Miss Young , 24 , daughter of James Bond films director Terence Young , tells me : ‘ Six months ago my horoscope said it was time to do something for myself workwise , so I phoned Georgia that evening . ’
27 The Labour Party thinks it is time for a fresh start .
28 But Peter 's mother says it 's time the whole industry made safety a higher priority .
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