Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] be [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , whilst not discounting the possibility of a long-standing personality trait , the appeal for imaginative empathy with which this chapter began is also its ending .
2 Her main motive had been simply her love for Jack , her desire to believe him , not to question him , not to cause him any pain , but to accept as fundamental that he must be happy .
3 What this singularity and uniqueness of the auratic work of art imply is also its isolation from the social , both in its inaccessibility and in the absence of political effectiveness ( Benjamin 1975b , p. 225 ) .
4 She wished she had brought a bottle of gin with her , even a bottle of wine , but now the only place she could find one was a state liquor store , and while the clerk would know of one , sitting with a bottle waiting for the phone to ring was n't her own image of herself .
5 I can see this now , yet it was not until nearly ten years after I became a Christian that I finally faced the issue that whatever other influences had been involved in my conversion ( such as my family and friends and the work of God in my life ) there was a sense in which the decision to believe was entirely my responsibility .
6 Silvester Horne , in his popular survey of nineteenth-century Nonconformity , admitted , ‘ The easiest accusation to sustain against Nonconformity has been hitherto its tendency to disintegration and division ’ .
7 Erm , but the one thing to remember is when your writing a formal essay , in an exam situation , do n't use the shortened form .
8 The same rules apply to the losers , except that the date used is when their shares were at their peak .
9 And Patrick Lundy , then seven years old , never questioned that the man his mother married was not his natural father .
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