Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] be [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 But already the decision has been given all party support in the House of Lords .
2 The original Conservative proposal had been to unload all secondary or graduated pensions on to the private sector .
3 The original plan had been to leave all the top posts open , with a promise to find people as soon as the investors had parted with their cash .
4 Within hours of this US response , which Iraq 's ruling Revolution Command Council denounced as " disgraceful " , the Soviet Union tried to rescue its peace initiative by announcing that Aziz ( who was still in Moscow ) had agreed to a revised six-point peace plan whereby ( i ) Iraq would agree to comply with Resolution 660 ; ( ii ) withdrawal from Kuwait would begin the day after a ceasefire ; ( iii ) the withdrawal would be completed within 21 days , including withdrawal from Kuwait City within four days ; ( iv ) once the withdrawal had been completed all relevant UN Security Council resolutions would lapse ; ( v ) all prisoners of war would be released three days after a ceasefire ; and ( vi ) monitoring of the ceasefire would be carried out by observers or peacekeeping forces as determined by the UN Security Council .
5 However , she pointed out that as far back as 1980 , the Sports Council had been recommending all governing bodies to charge a minimum subscription of £2.00 per person .
6 The sun 's been shining all week over Hereford : United are on a high , five goals against Colchester was the best news there 's been for years at Edgar Street .
7 In brief , the four regions of the South have been absorbing all the ( admittedly rather limited ) national increase in population and have been pulling in people from the rest of Britain .
8 Lloyd 's great achievement had been to weld all the factions into a united team , and doubt was expressed that Richards could maintain the unity .
9 He had the enviable but potentially inconvenient gift of making each visitor feel that he was the person Montini had been waiting all his life to talk to .
10 This row , this argument had been brewing all season long .
11 If she had ever thought much about the future , I think she would have seen her mother sitting in a chair by the fire , knitting ; after all , her father had been dying all her life .
12 But the storyteller has been using all his art to lead us up the garden path .
13 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
14 But this time the door had been closed all the way , and she could n't make out what was being said .
15 It would be b because the straw , the thatch had been pulled all straight it would flowing down , and then they used to er they used to th throw it over , it would be throwing the water away from the stack had been built like an egg you know .
16 And McDonald 's UK president , Paul Preston , said : ‘ The restaurant has been packed all morning .
17 The next thing to remember is to keep all the paperwork involved with any purchase , especially the invoice .
18 To do that you 're going to need the good will of the workers within the centre , the local community , the workers within Moat and the different factions within Moat and the one thing that the Tory line did was to unite all those factions against what the county council wanted .
19 The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer .
20 He thinks , by the sheer fact of not playing on something , his contribution has been to leave all the space for everybody else .
21 One approach to the problem has been to list all the various kinds of non-business organizations , pointing out their political , economic , and social differences , and then build the accounting theories from there .
22 In fact even if one succeeds in dissociating oneself from some of the more romantic claims that are made on its behalf it 's easy to get the discouraging impression that communication without words is after all a residual topic and that once orthodox language has been subtracted all that is left is a rubbish heap of nudges , shrugs , pouts , sighs , winks and glances — or to put it another way that non-verbal communication is simply the behavioural exhaust thrown out of the rear end of an extremely high-tech linguistic machine .
23 I take on the role of the mayor to ask — " What on earth has been causing all this damage ? "
24 Jamel Mobuto 's first two decrees on taking office had been to free all political prisoners being held there and the immediate dismantling of the Security Police .
25 Ginguene 's most valuable next sentence suggests that the director 's baton had been waved all the time : it ‘ indicated by its strokes the end of each so-called bar and , by the various signs that it traced in the air , the various interpolations or divisions of that bar . ’
26 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
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