Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] and [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 His light-hearted and amusing banter hid a serious and thoughtful approach to work and to life in general , and one became aware that it was a privilege to know and work with him , both at Woolley Hall and in the early days of Bretton where he came one day each week to teach painting .
2 It was thought to be nothing more than a shattered argillaceous deposit , produced by repeated submarine landslipping and carrying with it exotic blocks ranging in size from small fragments ( plate 4.2 ) up to whole mountains .
3 The buffet provided at this year 's Meeting with the opportunity to meet and chat with other members does not seem to have had sufficient appeal to justify another evening out .
4 The lady Anne has talked of little else since she met you and would be overjoyed , I know , were you able in due course to come and live with us .
5 This is the way one over-embroiders invention when playing complicated verbal games or intellectual hide and seek with one 's closest friends .
6 Lermontov left his seat to go and neck with Tsvetaeva , and Solzhenitsyn gave up his place at the front to go back and chat to Gogol and Pushkin .
7 I would imagine that industry confronts and copes with more forms of change than any other branch of our life .
8 I tell you one thing I 'm slightly starting to regret inviting my girlfriend to come and stay with me for three weeks in France .
9 This allows the flapper valve to open and close with the air pressure .
10 And when the snow thawed and took with it the paint they had daubed it with , he was out there picking off the remaining flakes of paint , and cursing with disappointment .
11 I wished I could turn to stone , or put down roots like the spotted laurel and forever let the adjusting wind tweak and fiddle with my clothes to no purpose .
12 She watched him with stormy eyes , the gold chain which she wore around her neck rising and falling with each agitated breath she drew .
13 For all those who thought that homo-eroticism began and ended with Boyz magazine , this photo collection gives a lens-eye view of one Montague Glover , a British Bruce Weber for the Twenties and Thirties ( but without the casting agent , American beefcake or dogs ) .
14 As executive producer of the mini-series version of Shogun , broadcast in the '70s , he ensured that each episode began and ended with a shot of the paperback edition on of the novel with his name in big letters .
15 And that just about sums you up , she thought wryly as the mischievous dimple came and went with his grin , but she wisely said nothing .
16 Norfolk police , too , reported that the flood waters were abating and in Kent the high tide came and went with no need for evacuation .
17 It comes about that the merchant has to go to the fair at Bruges on his business , and while he spends part of a day before departure in his counting-house reviewing his affairs the monk meets and converses with the wife .
18 ‘ It had been Carole 's dream to come and work with us , but sadly that dream was smashed . ’
19 The bowler approached and grunted with effort as he released the ball .
20 It 's your moral and legal responsibility to find out what the law says and to comply with the law .
21 8oz ( 200g ) tin of baked beans , eaten cold , plus 2 pieces of fresh fruit and a diet yogurt OR 2 oz ( 50g ) bread roll spread with reduced-oil salad dressing and filled with salad , 1 oz ( 25g ) ham or chicken , plus a banana
22 The scullion sighed and pointed with its arm .
23 DNA samples were phenol extracted and precipitated with ethanol .
24 While still centred on Greek tragedy and associated topics , the plan began and ended with a wide range of other subjects from Buddhism to modern culture and education , from Schiller and Goethe and their drama to the generalities of " art " , " religion " and " science " ; the Greek items went from " Dionysus and Apollo " to " Plato against art " , via the central " music and drama " The plan contained no Greek items unrelated to tragedy , or the birth and death of tragedy , which makes it the earliest of Nietzsche 's plans to define the scope of the Greek material as eventually realized in BT .
25 The fourth concerns the capacity to understand and cope with one 's own experiences in terms of , for example , motivation and commitment , perseverance , self-confidence and the constructive acceptance of failure .
26 Thirteen cars had their Vambac equipment removed and replaced with conventional controllers , commencing in January 1964 .
27 The first-floor room has one of the finest ceilings in Portugal , made of wood carved and painted with shell volutes in the corners .
28 And as I sat on the beach , I idly picked up some of the myriad stones lying on the shore , and one of them surprised me with its remarkable colours — it was pure marble glistening and sparkling with mica particles imbedded in it .
29 Its golden plumage barred and streaked with shades of brown and black , its neck extended , its thick , deep-yellow beak pointed skywards , the close-together eyes glassy bright , it stood there on green legs , a large stocky bird , richly coloured — and I knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime moment .
30 Companies have sought to deal with these pressures in ways which reduce their fixed overheads , increase their responsiveness to their markets and enhance their capacity to adapt and deal with change .
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