Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] back [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 David must be the best company manager in the business , and our friendship goes back a decade or more .
2 Though it was barely nine o'clock , sun blazed down , and already the huge slabs of stone paving the campo threw back an oven heat .
3 The erotic implications of the subject , the motif of the figure holding back the curtain and the very prominent position of the still lifes , call to mind such works by Cézanne as l'Eternel Féminin , the various Temptations of St. Anthony and the Après-Midi à Naples .
4 There is all the difference between keeping slim , well-groomed and well-dressed in order to look good at forty-five or fifty , and putting the same amount of effort into an attempt to put back the clock and have another crack at being twenty-five .
5 8 The defender pulls back the fist ready for a second strike , should it be necessary .
6 But in this case the enlightened engineer was concerned to do precisely the opposite , and as the digger pulled back the rubble , he exposed an area of wall which looked for a moment as if it was made entirely of shiny cream bones .
7 Within two hours , a representative from Harbottle and Lewis , the lawyers retained by Branson , was at the High Court in London getting an injunction to stop Chemical handing back the plane to Boeing .
8 They sat at a table covered with a checked tablecloth and tiles clicked underfoot ( Mummy brought back the tiles from Spain ) , and there was a big , brick fireplace with horse-brasses and copper pans and the boiler in the middle for the central heating , where there should have been a huge fire .
9 EDUCATION Secretary John Patten 's relentless attempt to turn back the school clocks continues this week with the release of the proposed new children 's reading list .
10 My mind went back a couple of months to when Charlie 'd asked me if I 'd like to make a bit on the side .
11 Her mind flipped back an hour — two hours ?
12 If the full amount is not spent , then the employee pays back the difference .
13 The phantom of the opera is here inside my mind pull back the curtains
14 She danced away to her bedroom to dance back a minute later : " I was n't going to tell you , but I will . "
15 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
16 At the same time , he was totally loyal to Franco and unlikely to seek Allied aid to bring back the monarchy .
17 Tolby smoothed back the tufts of hair above his ears and tried to smile back .
18 They 'll continue their campaign to win back the security they 'd worked a whole lifetime for .
19 Mr Crosbie said yesterday there are also signs that the school roll is to rise , after a campaign to win back the confidence of local parents .
20 A total of 58.7% of shareholders voted against Mr Sugar 's proposal to buy back the shares .
21 RAMBO 'S HALL rolled back the years yesterday and now he 's spot on for another Cambridgeshire bid .
22 The Group 's entitlement to turnover proceeds from Indonesian LNG sales is included in turnover after adjustment to add back the Group 's share of transportation and liquefaction costs and debt service which is deducted on an incurred basis on loans raised by the owner to finance the construction and expansion costs of the Bontang LNG plant which is operated on a break even basis .
23 But yesterday Mr Collor struck back by announcing a detailed Thatcherite economic plan to roll back the frontiers of the state .
24 The young Lieutenant handed back the letter .
25 Coming down from the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin there is no need to drive back the way you came , through Arette , because five miles from the top you can fork off to the right and come down in sylvan splendour through the very heart of the Forêt d'lssaux , before either turning sharp left down the valley of the Lourdios and a not very good road to Issor , or carrying straight on to follow one of two better , more or less interchangeable roads back into the valley of the Aspe near Bedous .
26 Rain fought back the impulse to grab her bag and check the contents , and then she was through to the Post .
27 The mouse chokes back a sob of gratitude .
28 What this appeal is concerned with , however , is only the landlord 's obligation to repay once the lease has expired without breach of covenant , there being neither any obligation on the original landlord to pay over the amount of the deposit to an assignee of the reversion nor any obligation on the original tenant to assign to an assignee of the term his contractual right to receive back the amount of the deposit when and if the condition for its repayment is fulfilled …
29 In sing-song came back the reply : ‘ A bonkeleh is a greisa kuss ’ — accompanied by a noisy demonstratory kiss on the child 's forehead .
30 My confidence came back a lot towards the end of the season .
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