Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] her [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Brah 's review of the debate about the inclusiveness and limitations of the category ‘ black ’ and of the often fractious engagement between feminism and antiracism shows her to be not unsympathetic to this post-structuralist perspective .
2 Pinned above Beth 's bed , next to the card proclaiming her to be a spiritualist , was a photograph of a male dancer from the newly formed Royal Ballet , and I came in one day soon after I arrived at Huntingdon to find a knot of giggling girls peering up at this dancer , who was poised on one foot , wearing an agonised expression and very tight tights .
3 Everyone has a right to expect her to be predictable ( however trying things are ) and she ought to be worried and apologetic if she behaves strangely .
4 Her first record shows her to be as musical as she is technically accomplished .
5 It was irrational to be so resentful now when it was so nearly over anyway , but she was too infuriated by his failure to love her to be thinking clearly .
6 ‘ Sir I take this libertey to aske the favour for my sister Smith the widow if you have the goodness to recommend her to be the patron for the infurmarey , as her incombe is so very scant , to live on .
7 When interviewing Margaret , the therapist found her to be moderately depressed , but to an extent in keeping with her problems .
8 She knew only that today was the last she 'd spend at Wilder 's Wilderness , and the knowledge caused her to be wrapped in misery .
9 And then impulse caused her to be frank .
10 At about 16.15 the Scharnhorst succumbed to ceaseless bombardment and sank ; and at 17.45 , having fired all her ammunition and riven by shell bursts , Gneisenau 's captain ordered her to be scuttled .
11 She did n't feel quite so bad now she was sitting down , and every instinct warned her to be on guard .
12 Father wanted her to be buried at sea ; Mother did not .
13 Removing the coat revealed her to be completely naked , which finally put the cat among the pigeons : they were banished !
14 This was not sexual jealousy , though Charles Greville [ q.v. ] sent Harriett an anonymous letter accusing her of being in love with Wellington .
15 His silence encouraged her to be even more frank , and , looking to where the moonlight caught the line of his strong jaw , she said , ‘ I know you appreciate the help I 've given by stepping in to take Stella 's place , and for that reason I doubt that you would give me the sack — or tell me to go .
16 Connie 's self-knowledge and her unspoken fear of cowardice save her from being a precious bore ; and writing the book in the third person , even though from Connie 's viewpoint , was a good idea .
17 Duty required her to be present on the Sunday for the arrival of the Princess .
18 She showed severe potential spasticity , so the physiotherapists took great care to prevent her from being twisted into deformity .
19 In these circumstances , as we were agreed that we had power to do so , we made an emergency order enabling her to be taken to and treated at a specialist hospital in London , notwithstanding the lack of consent on her part .
20 That rebellion caused her to be half inclined to scrape her hair back in a ‘ schoolmarm ’ hairstyle , and to be wearing her heavy hornrimmed spectacles when His Lordship called .
21 She knew that her mother wanted her to be fatter ; she willed herself to grow solid flesh like Hyacinth , but nothing changed .
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