Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] my [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had a good knowledge of Scotland , particularly the bagpipes , and I am sure if I had offered to go along to Brigade HQ to fetch my bagpipes he would have had me marching up and down the orchard playing his favourite tunes , much to the consternation of the other Commandos , and possibly the annoyance of the Germans just a short distance away .
2 ‘ They could hiv cut my throat I never felt a thing . ’
3 ‘ Nobody taught me , but my mind tells my fingers what to do , and I can make music . ’
4 Er er you see it was all , with me it was when I , at the time I went to work and er I had to leave work to have my baby you see .
5 With the cash to match my pretensions I 'd have been a menace for our Dennis .
6 This she had made me promise when I was nine and she continued to insist that my refusal to live my life her way was selfishness and rank ingratitude .
7 But do n't lets knock it to death do n't lets kick it this place saved my life I almost killed myself trying to fulfil those that we 've been talking about .
8 ‘ When a show in town catches my fancy I go to it .
9 One particular incident which sticks in my mind which brought home to me how ill he was occurred when my mother sent me one morning to ask my father what he wanted for breakfast , to which he replied in a very vague and confused manner " hen mush " ( the term we gave to the vegetable matter we cooked up for the chickens ) .
10 Do n't know I would think that it 's , she told me twenty five pounds so I thought it was gon na be like cash or something and then I read the thing that says twenty five pound voucher but it did n't say what for , it just says voucher knowing my luck it 'll be book tokens !
11 ‘ Before he was taken away , this man gave my father something he 'd stolen during the war .
12 The DI thinks my theory it 's the security forces trying to fit me up is pure paranoia .
13 The doctor at the hospital told my mother I would grow out of it .
14 When I came on deck to take my watch I found Viking swaying gently over a smooth swell , the cloud-wreathed Torridon mountains to port , and South Rona lighthouse fine on the starboard bow .
15 She was confined to bed and had infrequent visits from a nurse ; since my father was still in the Army I looked after myself and skipped school to visit my mother who , by this time , was in a hospital for the terminally ill .
16 It follows the success of the film Hear my song which features the recordings of Josef Locke made during the 1940s and 1950s .
17 He has fond memories of Irish tenor Joseph Locke , the subject of the film Hear My Song which will be screened on Channel Four this Autumn .
18 In order to develop my theme I need to make three important assumptions .
19 That 's not to say I did n't think about sex — I did — and in order to relieve my frustration I would read books , watch videos and practise solitary sex .
20 In my whole life of collecting and I suppose it 's a little bit to assuage my conscience I 've always been able to say to myself that I 'm allowed to have these things and enjoy them , but eventually they 're all going to museums .
21 Novelist Jeffrey Archer : ‘ Not many people know this , but his mother sold my mother their house in Weston-super-Mare .
22 I felt I could hardly lift my arm to comb my hair it was such an effort ; but most of all I got so depressed knowing everything was piling up and I was n't doing anything about it , and soon I would n't be able to .
23 I came with my thirteen-year-old son to join my husband who had lived here for many , many years .
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