Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] been in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another significant change in carp fishing technique has been in surface fishing .
2 This conc has been in progress all today .
3 The second change has been in share prices themselves : in the 1980s they soared .
4 The main change has been in attitudes to Japan and Western Europe .
5 When the morning walk has been a hot , hard climb and all breathing has been in gasps , you can arrive at lunchtime with a mouth as dry as a salt mine .
6 A key link with the mainland , the Larne-Stranraer route has been in existence for almost 130 years and has become an integral part of Ulster 's maritime heritage .
7 The police national computer has been in operation since 1974 .
8 Well you could say that erm our background goes back erm twenty-five years , in fact , we 've had a considerable involvement with industry both local and national for as long as the University has been in existence , which is now nearly twenty-five years .
9 A covering loop ileostomy was eelectively omitted in low risk cases until September 1988 , since then a clinical trial has been in progress in which patients were randomised to receive either an ileostomy or no ileostomy .
10 The Brigade has been in Normandy since the 6th June in constant contact with the enemy until we reached the Seine .
11 Robert Smith , defending , said : ‘ This is a very serious state of affairs , not least because the defendant has been in custody for at least 12 months .
12 This car has been in use since Easter and has been enthusiastically praised by the people , mainly volunteers , who have been staffing it .
13 The WISE Vehicle Programme has been in operation for many years now , following the launch of the original WISE I bus in WISE Year 1984 .
14 Thomas 's mind has been in turmoil for a long time since that rejection .
15 But an effective dragnet takes time — and in Brazil 's case even longer since the tax-collecting department has been in shambles since Mr Collor 's days .
16 The trade balance of the motor industry has been in deficit since 1982 and in 1989 , at £6.55 billion , accounted for 28 per cent of the UK visible trade deficit of £23.1 billion .
17 The Penguin deal has been in place the longest .
18 In LEAs where a scheme of delegation has been in place over a period of years , the question of making more money soon arises .
19 Mrs Tansley says it is over 58 years since she made her debut in opera and she never did any more , though she is well known in villages in the Guisborough area where her talent has been in demand at concerts .
20 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
21 this Airacomet has been in Ed Maloney 's collection for a number of years .
22 The Mid Glamorgan Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989 .
23 Braintree Concerts Music Club has been in existence for 22 years , but is looking for new ways to promote itself following the decision by the district council to withdraw its grant .
24 The Young England Rugby Club has been in existence for two years but is now being relaunched as a major part of the RFU youth initiative with its own clear aims and ambitions .
25 Detective Superintendent Michael Walsh said yesterday : ‘ The Jockey Club has been in touch with the force , and further discussions will be taking place .
26 I saw nothing of them : the eight-yard-high obelisk was swathed in wooden bandages , as impenetrable as Scott 's Monument had been in Edinburgh .
27 And Widnes general manager Frank Myler , insisted that no club had been in contact regarding a possible move by Davies from Naughton Park .
28 ‘ I was angry and upset to read that somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
29 Crosby blew his top after learning of the Coppell link and said yesterday : ‘ I was angry and upset to read somebody connected with the club had been in contact with Steve Coppell .
30 At the same time a change in the industrial mix had been in progress with traditional energy intensive industries in decline and service-based , high technology industries on the increase .
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