Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] been [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 From the middle ages , Parliament has been concerned with the problems , central to the national economy , of productivity and the control of wages .
2 A substantial part of the literature has been concerned with the properties of steady-state or balanced growth .
3 For the last two or three years , Chorus has been involved with Unisys Corp in a technology exchange that has so far failed to produce any significant deliveries .
4 It would be impossible to better Paul 's summary of the practical and devotional potential of the Bible : " Your mind has been familiar with the holy scriptures , which can open the mind to the salvation which comes through believing on Christ Jesus .
5 Industry has been generous with its sponsorship and with technical support .
6 This chapter has been concerned with the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
7 This chapter has been concerned with the central machinery for making and executing the decisions of the Crown .
8 Much of this chapter has been concerned with specifically linguistic difficulties of quantifying variables .
9 This chapter has been concerned with outlining the principal methods by which suppliers of products bring their goods and services to the attention of their markets , with the object of increasing their sales or market share , or both .
10 Till now though such research has been fraught with failure and misinterpretation .
11 Most of his research has been concerned with conditioning the ‘ eyeblink ’ response in rabbits .
12 For generations , hourly paid employees in manufacturing industry have been familiar with the daily ritual of ‘ clocking ’ — the procedure of formally recording their time and attendance at work .
13 Traditionally , governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit .
14 This has been a very busy year and the committee has been lucky with the commitment of its Vice Chairmen and members who of necessity reflect a microcosm of the Bar from the young criminal practitioner to the experienced commercial silk .
15 All my work has been involved with estates where game birds were the prime consideration .
16 But most human electrophysiological work has been concerned with the processing of incoming events , that is the ERP that follows the presentation of a stimulus .
17 A lot of my work has been concerned with this area and as my experience has grown I have learnt to wait until the people involved tell me they want to talk .
18 Most of the comparative work has been concerned with ASL and French Sign Language .
19 Moreover , much of the work has been concerned with the analysis of the spectra and the interpretation of the parameters obtained in terms of theory ; though this is an essential part of understanding of the chemistry of transition metals , it is less directly related to determining the structures of their compounds .
20 There is no mention of a monastery and it is likely the Ripon reference has been confused with the ‘ Stanford ’ entry .
21 It was known , also , that the old lady had been friendly with his mother ; and anyway , being a bachelor and retired , he could usually be counted on to take sufferers to hospital in emergency , or bring them home ; as well as visiting murderers in prison , and other tasks ( often called do-gooding by people who have never been remotely in need of that particular little world ) .
22 Their ten years of marriage have been fraught with difficulties that neither could have foreseen .
23 It is also the case that most of the studies of this type have been concerned with the effects on the UK of membership .
24 Mappin has been involved with Cliff Richard tennis projects for some nine years now , and this latest development , particularly the extravaganza ‘ family ’ idea , would appear to be a natural progression from her success of last year .
25 On previous tasks he has usually been on the cordon ringing the incident that the EOD team has been involved with , and cursing them for taking so long .
26 Where the fund of damages is likely to be substantial , including future nursing costs and the like as well as loss of earnings , an accountant 's evidence can help the court to decide the multiplier , as well as the multiplicand , for example in the case of a one-man business where the accountant has been concerned with the accounts over a number of years and is in a position to give an expert opinion as to the future prospects of the business .
27 Dundee United have been the corner shop competing with the hypermarkets of Glasgow , and business has been brisk with pockets of profitability .
28 I often hear comments such as , ‘ Since my husband has been involved with the Alexander Technique he is a much nicer man to live with . ’
29 According to one of its members , James Tyrrell , the group had been concerned with the ‘ principles of morality and revealed religion ’ .
30 It is a while since the BCU have been involved with making films but the comeback is well handled and is a quality film , making up in the information supplied on what it lacks on the American squirt films .
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