Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] been [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 Decin has been lucky in its democratically elected mayor , Zdenek Kropacek , chosen after the the triumph of the autumn 1989 Velvet Revolution .
2 Cotswold Wildlife Park has been successful in rearing Black Swans from Australia and , of particular note , the unusual Coscoroba Swans from South America , which have piebald cygnets .
3 The pace of educational change has been swift in recent years .
4 The idea that dreaming is essential for sanity has been prevalent in popular science since the eighteenth century .
5 The relative index has been influential in indexing practice , and many of its principles are incorporated into indexing methods , such as chain indexing .
6 ‘ The course has been invaluable in terms of awareness and spotting hazards . ’
7 The University has been fortunate in attracting high quality staff to fill new lectureship posts although there has been some difficulty in filling senior posts , particularly in business and management , which is an area of acute national shortage .
8 In the USA this experience has been evident in the sense that , when there are movements to restrain the growth of state spending .
9 No one could doubt that the application of the academic mind to literature has been salutary in bringing rigour and discipline into criticism : cleaner texts , scholarly annotations , precise analysis , intelligent — even transforming — interpretations and readings ; and an intolerance for woolly emotional responses , vague inflated recommendations , and subjective wallowings of all kinds .
10 And some of the buildup play has been tremendous in this period of time .
11 But the cost of resistance has been high in blood , in material destruction , in local misery and humiliating international paralysis .
12 The idea that teachers should adopt a research perspective in their teaching has been current in educational thinking ( in Britain at least ) for a good number of years , associated in particular with the work of Stenhouse and Elliott ( for example , Stenhouse 1975 ; Elliott 1981 ) .
13 This Association has been instrumental in getting the APA to adopt guidelines on non-sexist language and practices , and to set up an office for Women 's Programmes .
14 Anthropology has been prominent in showing how the marginal in any society tends to pose problems for state institutions and governments ; and the insider must anticipate that his conclusions might well be
15 Since the last Employee Report , the Group personnel department has been involved in reviewing and updating personnel policies throughout the Group including induction procedures , substance misuse and harassment at work .
16 Direct participation by the state in the allocation of savings to industry has been important in both qualitative and quantitative senses .
17 The critic as advocate has been fortunate in twentieth-century France , where a climate of culture has brought art and literature together ; also art and philosophy , in the case of Jean-Paul Sartre 's advocacy of Giacometti , in whose emaciated figure sculptures the philosopher saw a metaphor of human struggle , even , as he wrote in an article in Les Temps modernes in 1948 , ‘ the fleshless martyrs of Buchenwald ’ .
18 The overall effect has been unfortunate in two different ways .
19 Solar changes were the main cause from 1750 to 1850 , but the greenhouse effect has been dominant in recent decades .
20 Staff turnover has been high in the last few years as school closure has loomed closer .
21 Moreover , there is little to suggest that public-sector investment has been successful in encouraging equivalent private spending .
22 Whether this is because their earlier success is an indicator that they have the appropriate capabilities , or because their earlier study has been important in preparing them for entry , or some combination of these , is difficult to say definitively without further research .
23 As a result , large-scale ‘ official ’ industrial action has been rare in BR .
24 In consequence , even when the insider retires and ostensibly leaves the family , he will be expected to maintain his silence , and although bland hagiographic biography has been acceptable in the past , there has been no place for the espionage of critical ethnography .
25 This is the second time the college has been involved in a drugs scandal .
26 The whole instrument has been edge-bound in attractive ivoroid , which is destined to turn slightly yellow with the passing of time .
27 Thirdly , there is the case where the signer has been careless in not taking ordinary precautions against being deceived .
28 In the case of Japan , writers such as Fox ( 1980 ) stress that long-term planning based on market research has been vital in those areas where innovation , and not just importation , of technology has occurred in Japan , such as the consumer electronics industry .
29 It is evident from the comments made by the nouveaux romanciers that they considered themselves to be developing and integrating the formal experiments of writers drawn from a carefully selected modernist canon , suggesting that they judged modernism to have been incomplete in the French novel before their arrival .
30 Gradually she had come to terms with it , accepted it as a fact of life , though the grief had been longer in going and the sadness was still sometimes there , an echo in the night .
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