Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] or [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The records must contain day-to-day entries of all money received or expended and of the matters to which that related and a record of the company 's assets and liabilities .
2 The girls took advantage of the boys ' sudden inability to catch or shoot and before long the game was over and the girls won 12–8 .
3 This resolves any remaining doubt about whether the court has power to award interest on an interlocutory judgment whether on default or acknowledgement of service , notice of intention to defend or pleading or on an admission of liability .
4 Thus in Re S and B ( Minors ) ( Evidence ) [ 1991 ] FCR 175 a psychiatric social worker was allowed to express an opinion on another witness 's mental condition and propensity to fantasise or invent but not on her credibility .
5 You have not crash dieted or fasted and therefore your weight is very unlikely to pile back on as soon as your goals have all been attained .
6 Hence , the price of the option does not depend on the probabilities of the share price rising or falling or by how much it is likely to rise or fall .
7 The simplest way would be to introduce the style and then see whether or not output increased or decreased or , even , stayed where it was .
8 ‘ And the school term ends in another week , which means the children either mooching around the house all day under-occupied or vanished and one 's wondering where the hell they are . ’
9 Movements in foreign exchange rates will affect the sterling value of the principal deposited or borrowed and your finance director will not thank you for saving £50,000 by earning interest at 1 1/2 % above UK rates if you lose £1m when the foreign currency is reconverted to sterling .
10 A great hush fell over the entire Wolfwood , as if , thought Snizort , every living creature knew or heard or sensed what had happened and was waiting to see what the Trees would do .
11 The first sign of tetanus in a newborn baby is the inability to suck or swallow and muscular spasms of the lips and mouth .
12 It makes it an offence to promote or conduct or assist in the conduct of a mock auction .
13 The taxing officer hears the parties and decides any issues in dispute , either allowing the item in the bill to stand or disallowing or reducing it .
14 There had been a week when she 'd paced the studio humming or sat and gawped at the tapestry she 'd created .
15 ‘ There 's this laddie in my year , he canna read or write and the teachers pick on him , except Mr X , he 's good and disnae make a fool o ’ him and helps him wi' forms and things .
16 Likewise the ability to listen or to communicate or show enthusiasm and self-confidence know no organisational boundaries .
17 Paragraph one point four , legislation , figures prominent in here and Mr , legislation of course is currently a changing scheme in our service and perhaps the most important new act for several years is the New Road and Street Works Act , which is scheduled to be in action on the first of January next year and this will have two main effects for us , firstly the Local Highway Authority that is ourselves in Suffolk will be in a far stronger position to manage or influence or control the work of public utilities in public highways .
18 A decision not to prescribe or an underestimate of need , with justified caution , may aggravate or precipitate a distressing withdrawal state , which a doctor has a responsibility to prevent or relieve and may make the prisoner unfit to be interviewed .
19 Within minutes one was torn from reading a book to being gagged and trussed up in a sack , carried down stairs by running men , waiting for the bag to slip or rip and one 's head or neck to smash against the hard stone steps .
20 Then the fit passed or paused and a voice said tightly but proudly , ‘ Hugh Sixsmith ? ’
21 Upstairs her mother slept or woke or dreamed , Alida did not know .
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