Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] she [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She is the only female character allowed into the fortress den and as the story develops she is shown to be both sensitive and sensible .
2 • What do I do if an employee says she is expecting a baby ?
3 Mummy says she 's going to run the London salon .
4 My silly wee sister says she 's going to clean our shoes for Camphill .
5 Me husband thinks she 's goin' down fast .
6 A jockey who almost lost a foot in an accident says she 's determined to race again .
7 Their owner says she 's sickened , and ca n't understand why anybody would do such a thing .
8 Tanwaru says she 's seen the men before in Luton and Milton Keynes — police who described the attack as ’ extremely callous , say they think it was part of a pattern of similar raids :
9 Well today 's healthy lifestyle volunteer believes she 's beaten this weighty problem .
10 By choosing home grown potatoes the housewife knows she is buying only the best for her family .
11 Mrs Jones ' family say she 's coping remarkably well , but they 're horrified at her injuries .
12 A young mother says she 's living in fear for her life after a threatening phone call from the man who kidnapped her at gunpoint .
13 His mother says she 's devastated .
14 When an ‘ insular ’ mother responds she is reflecting her total reaction to all the people she meets rather than that particular person ( Dumas and Wahler 1983 ) .
15 10.30am and a waif-like girl trudges on stage to explain she 's lost her parents and does n't know what to do .
16 My mother said she 's going to go on game anyway .
17 No but mother said she 's gon na sort it all out before Christmas comes because she said otherwise I 'm not gon na get the bar staff to work .
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