Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] with [noun] about " in BNC.

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1 The provisions of this act require a president to consult with congress about any commitment of American troops abroad and oblige him to withdraw those troops within 60 days ( with the possibility of a 30-day extension ) if a declaration of war is not forthcoming from Congress .
2 DRINKS NEWS Wine & Spirit Association to deal with complaints about EHOs
3 Death of the spouse may give relief from the oppression of selfless caring mixed with guilt about feeling relieved .
4 Until then I was broke and Ted was left at home reminiscing with Mum about the war and trying to stop Jean from drinking .
5 Thus the experience of the Boer War combined with fears about the British economy to produce a demand for state and voluntary welfare measures designed to increase ‘ national efficiency ’ , in the contemporary phrase , among influential social groups who previously had been hostile or indifferent to social issues .
6 The furniture was sparse : a circular table and two chairs ; a plain bookshelf crammed with books about art and artists .
7 The attorney agreed with Haydon about the injustice of the proceedings , and told him to return that evening to settle the matter finally .
8 The idea is for youngsters to start their journey armed with information about sex , drugs , visas , money , jobs , disease , even the environment .
9 The letter ends with gossip about rehearsals for the opera season in Cape Town ( ‘ It really is pathetic ’ ) and about people with whom he had dinner and drinks .
10 The general impression from the media action people who answered the telephones is that people who called appreciated the information point and had no objections to being asked to call another number to deal with enquiries about bills .
11 One of the persistent misconceptions about professional work in the human service occupations is that it mainly takes place face to face with clients or patients and that time spent with others about the client or patient is a necessary but regrettable adjunct to the real work .
12 Can the family deal with conflicts about colour within and without the family ?
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