Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] for [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , it is seen in a whole host of tactics and alternative strategies to the simple procedure of insisting that the sufferer goes for treatment just as he or she would do for any other disease .
2 ( If the case goes for trial rather than arbitration , solicitor 's costs will be allowed subject to the normal rules ) .
3 The questionnaire addressed to the Head of Department asked for information under five headings :
4 Pitt had refused to hold back a single soldier intended for service overseas or to recall any vessels serving on distant stations , but he ordered a further 34 sail of the line to be commissioned and , during that dangerous summer , increased the number of seamen serving in home waters from 18,000 to 35,000 .
5 Policy in the northern agency during the research called for compliance in about 70 percent of routine samples ; with the review of consents , the agency has become seemingly less tolerant , calling for compliance in 95 percent of samples .
6 Was Fleet St an industry striving for profit only or was it dedicated ‘ to the public service at the expense of profit ’ ?
7 Possibly the Brasserie could be sold and most of the investment recovered for use elsewhere .
8 ‘ How 's the Club fixed for money now ? ’
9 This involved PPA volunteers and staff in the tripartite consultations at county level , the preparation of budget submissions , agonising waits while plans were considered , elation when funding was agreed , disappointment when refused , months of hard work to set up a scheme or , when necessary , to re-draft the plan to try for funding again .
10 Thus most of the redistribution of wealth has probably affected wealth used for consumption rather than for production .
11 ( More traditional pedagogy went for appreciation rather than analysis , urging the reader to a direct experience of the poem , perhaps inhaling its beauty like the scent of a flower ; but the underlying process was similar . )
12 Meanwhile an intense marketing campaign will continue to interest overseas investors in the 18.5 per cent of the issue earmarked for sale abroad .
13 I see the force of the point that councillors should be trusted to use the right to sue for libel only in circumstances where it is necessary in the public interest .
14 If by established principles of English law it is clear that Derbyshire County Council has the right to sue for libel then this court must say so and let the action proceed .
15 The right to stand for election still remained restricted to Matai .
16 The nature of the work tends to be task oriented e.g. to build a garage or a supply teacher to cover for absence etc .
17 She said she had not heard that British scientists wanted to return him to Arctic waters , but warned that going back to cold temperatures , coupled with the need to hunt for food again , would be fatal .
18 In addition , the economies of the most advanced capitalist nations would advance to a point where any further development of production would be held back by the crises of capitalism and by the desire to produce for profit rather than the general good .
19 In low season especially , facilities may be unavailable , e.g. a pool may be emptied for cleaning , a disco closed for redecoration etc .
20 Unfortunately , the decision to opt for smoothness rather than scruffiness , composure rather than gaucheness , is not an innocent choice .
21 It has a horizontal division across its pupil which effectively gives it four eyes — the two lower halves for seeing underwater , the two upper for doing so in air — and the fish can swim along the surface looking for food above and below it at the same time .
22 The first stage in the procedure to apply for study abroad is to learn a foreign language , preferably English .
23 Prominent American bankers recently informed me that half of their commercial letters of credit provided for payment not against ocean bills of lading , but against freight forwarders ' cargo receipts .
24 Presentation will be in objective format with performance criteria and evidence required for assessment clearly stated .
25 A DISTRESSED father appealed for help yesterday in finding the ‘ animals ’ who had gunned down his daughter and her husband .
26 Of the 20 Cabinet ministers and ministers of state in the outgoing government to stand for election only four were returned .
27 This in turn allows for control even with off-centre hits .
28 In a novel called For Love Alone , described by the publishers as a sexy sizzler , she tells how a Czech woman loses her husband to a leggy honey blonde with a soft Southern drawl .
29 Details presented themselves to him with unusual clarity : the sprinkling of grey hairs among Henry 's curls ; an ambulance siren and a helicopter fighting for dominance outside ; and the dryness at the back of his throat which announced that his addiction to tobacco was craving to be fed .
30 It is likely that any ‘ advance ’ paid by a record company will be in excess of the minimum level of income for compulsory VAT registration purposes , so the band should be aware of their obligation to register for VAT immediately .
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