Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] it back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the drawing made it back to civilisation the pickled head , along with the rest of the ship , was lost .
2 Twelve years after the Republicans moved into the White House and 13 months after the Arkansas governor launched his long-shot bid to win it back for the Democrats , the man on the defensive was Mr Bush .
3 Research links it back to poverty and housing .
4 And er the sparrow thought he would maybe make it back to the mainland now so the peedie fairy climbed on his back and the sparrow flew it back to the mainland .
5 he is okay at kicking from back passes , especially when he side foots it back to Dorigo or Kelly instead of hoofing it .
6 I spoke to the people , analysed the fault sent it back down the line .
7 A repurchase agreement provides a means for the short to lend money to the futures market : the short agrees to buy a bond with a provision to sell it back to the market at a predetermined price and to receive a rate of interest , the repo rate .
8 In that case put it back to later in the day sir because the statements have to be read out in court .
9 Good girl put it back in , see
10 But the new bloke sent it back to me and it went on to win six races , and I felt so sick for the lads .
11 It did n't operate from the bank , and it 's the intention of the council to turn it back into a water-based boat hiring business so there will be nothing along the bank at all .
12 Stored away from the attentions of the KGB , Ivars Ozols Cirrus Minor powered aircraft requires help to get it back into the air .
13 And Kalchu was satisfied and picked up the quivering body to carry it back to the fireside .
14 All the Alu RNA needs then is an enzyme to transcribe it back into DNA .
15 During the day the heat at the bottom of the vast bowl was the most intense any of them had ever experienced , but the whole convoy made it back to the Delta .
16 Now he goes I 've found my dick put it back in your head .
17 Like erm , like Maureen she 's erm she 's worried for Joe , she says he do n't stop , he do n't , but you see the difference being is it 's Joe 's business and it 's as he said , some people do n't pay you for twelve months , and a lot of your money has gone out before you can get a chance to get it back in
18 He was gon na spend a lot of money converting it back to right hand drive and I said it 's air conditioned and everything in n it ?
19 Oh in a minute , I 've got to put get my lock off the gate put it back in .
20 Some said the sport came from the Norsemen , others muttered about the Romans who after all had been in the area for several centuries and left little else but stone , and one literary aficionado had just written a treatise tracing it back in direct line to Jacob 's wrestling with the angel .
21 The street below was in darkness but the houses opposite caught the moon 's light in their tiles and curtained windows and their shine cast it back upon his troubled face .
22 But the remedies given by the sections include personal remedies , such as an order that the recipient of property transfer it back to the company , or an order that the other party to a transaction pay a sum of money to the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate .
23 The aircraft has been on the airshow circuit for a number of years and now needs a lot of tender loving care to bring it back to pristine condition again .
24 The XJ 40 had done 10,000 miles and he was glad of an excuse to take it back to the UK for a proper service .
25 No you can during the week , but what 'll we do , she said well got a buyer take it back to customer services .
26 The master got it back from Boston , upon which Shimmers and Susan Cox swore at him .
27 Recording teachers teaching in order to play it back to them is sometimes loosely described as microteaching .
28 It is far easier to buy some extra flowers or to pick an additional bunch from your garden , than to explain to someone that you would like to take some of your gift home with you in order to give it back to them again at a later date !
29 I returned the amp for repair but the company sent it back with the same fault as before .
30 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
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