Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] in some way " in BNC.

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1 recognises that an original lessee may have a defence if the assignee not performing has in some way been absolved from performance .
2 Even in the case of married applicants for joint mortgages , the Equal Opportunities Commission ( EOC ) found that 36 per cent of building societies in their study discriminated in some way against a couple with a higher earning wife ( EOC , 1978 ) .
3 Articulated crampons have a separate front and heel piece linked in some way , and are better for less than totally rigid leather boots and boots with some curve on the front sole .
4 Those of us dropping into Dunedin with a touring international or provincial team could usually rely , if things had not gone well for Otago , on Mains later proclaiming that his side had in some way been unfairly treated either by fate or the referee .
5 Furthermore , if outside agencies — such as courts or social workers decide that socialization has in some way been inadequate , it is to the family that they are most likely to turn in the allocation of blame or responsibility .
6 Appeals are not retrials , but considerations of whether the trial judge erred in some way .
7 We may not know exactly how evolution took place , but it is at least now clear that humanity evolved in some way from the higher apes ; that there were female and male of other species on the earth before the appearance of women and men .
8 The 1983-87 period has in some ways been a wasted opportunity paradoxically perhaps , a period of consolidation between bursts of radical change .
9 The importance of continuity has in some ways been underlined by the approach adopted in much of the Western , particularly US , scholarship on Japanese development .
10 A poll tax may be ‘ a tax levied on every person ; a capitation or head-tax ’ ( Oxford English Dictionary ) or it may be a tax related in some way to the right to vote .
11 Was that not the whole burden of his song , that nature needed in some way to be put to rights , and that it was man 's job to see it was put to rights ?
12 Even though odour emission may be regarded as a major consideration , as shown above , only rarely is planning permission refused on that ground alone , generally permission is granted but the development modified in some way to minimise any potential odour nuisance .
13 In the glaring light , the racket of cicadas , the events of the night seemed in some way fictional ; as if I must have been slightly drugged .
14 If it does turn out to be of general significance at a variety of scales it will imply that the increased environmental stress associated in some way with regressions promotes an increase in extinction rate and corresponding vacation of ecological niches , with a consequent opportunity for new species to establish themselves .
15 reports , government circulars , trade and professional information and general documentation allied in some way to your job and its responsibilities
16 Bill Mumford says that everybody goes on these trips comes back changed in some way … its a maturiing thing … and maybe it 's a lesson for all of us we should feel inspired by disabled people trying something remarkable
17 Are the action height and intonation related in some way ?
18 None the less , its economy had in some ways benefited from the diversification and protection from external competition which resulted from international sanctions imposed after the unilateral declaration of independence by the white minority government in 1965 .
19 The most basic error , which I attempted to pinpoint in discussing the sense in which the cries , hoots , and gestures of animals are ‘ primitive forms ’ of language in Chapter 5 , is to confuse the predictive value of the effects of such behaviour with the conscious intent of a speaker to communicate in some way .
20 This chamber looks in some ways similar to the alchemical laboratory ( location 72 ) save that nothing is broken here , it 's simply very dusty and cobwebbed .
21 The enthusiastic response of the ‘ great mass ’ of ‘ ordinary ’ people to such populist rhetoric recalls in some ways the popular reactions to Hitler 's actions following the ‘ Röhm Putsch ’ of 1934 .
22 I did n't enjoy hurting friends , but each blow did in some way help me to cope with a temper .
23 Perhaps Christian 's ownership of the farm depended in some way upon the manor , or the Fettiplace family , and Christian had called them together to break the bad news to them .
24 It applies to any profession regulated in some way by the state ( or by chartered professional associations , as is the case with many in the UK ) for which at least three years ' education and training at university or equivalent level are required .
25 Yet he had been unable to deny , especially when alcohol had begun to leech the starch from his scholarly brain , that her avid interest in the distant doings of Everett , Morpurgo and the Tyrrell Society was inexplicable , unless it constituted a cause corresponding in some way to the effect of her disappearance .
26 The sources of domination have in some ways simply broadened to include the US , japan , and international capitalism .
27 With closed questions , the researcher has in some way limited the possible responses .
28 If the distinction between tacit and explicit collusion is to mean anything , it must also be shown that the ability to communicate in some way affects the likely existence and stability of collusion .
29 Like the First Directive , its application will be to occupations or occupation activity regulated in some way by , or on behalf of , the state .
30 A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip .
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